Atari Dump Site (Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA)

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Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-2 of 2)

There are 2 Datasets within this Collection [remove this filter]

  • Atari eBay Auctions (2016)
    DATASET Mark Flaa.

    Alamogordo ran eBay auctions on 44 separate days between November 13, 2014, and August 4, 2015, each day’s listings consisting of 1–96 individual lots. Each of the auctioned games came with a metal City of Alamogordo property tag and ID number as well as a certificate of authenticity signed by the mayor, Susie Galea, and by Howard Scott Warshaw, Atari wunderkind developer and creator of the E.T. game. Despite the variable conditions of the artifacts, the games served (and still serve) as a...

  • Manifest of Excavated Atari Games (2014)
    DATASET Joe Lewandowski.

    The table contains two headers. The lower header separates the games into either “box” (a boxed cartridge) or “cart” (a loose cartridge). There is no indication of whether boxed cartridges were either blister-packed or part of a carton of six games. The upper header lists the total number of games first, and then subdivides those into games given to Lightbox Entertainment (as per their agreement with Alamogordo), games sold by the city on eBay (see the related eBay file in this tDAR collection),...