SHESC: Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project (MPLP)

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 108)

  • 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 101 Summary (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson.

    Unit 101 is located in Area A of the 3-Up Site, at the western edge of a large mound cut deeply by a bulldozer. This unit was selected for excavation to provide a profile of mound stratigraphy without extensive excavation of unlooted areas, and to enhance information recovered from a test-profile in the same room during fall of 2005 conducted by Roger Anyon. Anyon’s profile was excavated along the exposed north wall of the room, but was unable to confidently locate floor features due to the...

  • 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 102 Summary (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson.

    Unit 102 is located in Area A of the 3-Up Site, near the northeastern corner of a large mound along a 1 to 2 m deep bulldozed trench. This unit was selected for excavation to provide additional information on the depositional history for this part of the site. The bulldozer trench that cuts through this part of the mound revealed possible wall alignments along its length, and we placed the unit in a location where the trench appeared to have clipped only part of a prehistoric room located some...

  • 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 201 Summary (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer.

    Unit 201 is located in Area B, at the northern edge of a large bulldozer cut through the central portion of Area B. This excavation unit was intended primarily to allow excavators to expose a profile and examine stratigraphy in this area without doing extensive excavation or disturbing the remaining unlooted portions of the site. The unit’s location at the edge of a deep, steep-sided bulldozer cut was ideal for this purpose. No walls were visible in the portion of Area B near the bulldozer cut,...

  • 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 301 Summary (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Colleen Strawhacker.

    Unit 301 is located on the western side of Mound C in the 3-Up site. The unit was excavated through the overburden of a bulldozer cut and into intact deposits. While the small size of the unit and the lack of walls exposed limited our ability to fully understand the contexts of the cultural surfaces located in Unit 301, the excavation produced a number of artifacts and dateable samples that will provide information about the occupational history of Mound C.

  • EMAP - Analytic Unit Coding Sheet (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    EMAP - Analytic Unit Coding Sheet The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico...

  • EMAP - Lithics - Material Coding Sheet (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    EMAP - Projectile Points - Material Coding Sheet The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at...

  • EMAP - Projectile Points - Form Coding Sheet (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    EMAP - Projectile Points - Form Coding Sheet The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New...

  • Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project (MPLP)
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret Nelson. Michelle Hegmon. Karen Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director until 2009). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP (2005) - Pithouse Period Occupations in the Eastern Mimbres Area: A Pilot Study on the A-Spear and Ladder Ranches (2005)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson. Karen Schollmeyer.

    In summer 2005 the authors conducted a pilot study focused on gaining a better understanding of the intensity and duration of prehistoric occupation during the Pithouse Periods (A.D. 200-1000) in the eastern Mimbres area. Previous surveys identified a number of locations as pithouse sites or potential pithouse sites, but comparatively little data has been collected regarding site sizes or temporal periods represented at these locations. This information is critical for understanding ecological...

  • MPLP (2005) 3-Up Site (LA 150373) Brief Description (2005)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Gust Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP (2007) - Life on A-Spear in the 13th and 14th Centuries (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Margaret C. Nelson. Karen Schollmeyer. Steve Swanson. Michelle Hegmon.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP (2008) - Report of the 2007 Survey (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson. Karen Schollmeyer. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP (2008) 3-Up Site (LA 150373) Report on 2007 Test Excavations (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Gust Schollmeyer. Steve Swanson. Colleen Strawhacker. Matthew Peeples.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP (2008) Roadmap Village (LA 45157) Report on the 2007 Excavation Season (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Gust Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP (2009) Roadmap Village (LA 45157) Report on the 2007-2008 Excavation Seasons (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Gust Schollmeyer. Steve Swanson. Margaret Nelson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP (2011) Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) Report on the 2009-2010 Excavation Seasons (2011)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell. Karen Gust Schollmeyer. Margaret Nelson. Steve Swanson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - AUD (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - C14 Samples (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Ceramic Body Part Coding Sheet (2018)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Ceramic Form Coding Sheet (2018)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Ceramic Type Coding Sheet (2018)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Decorated Ceramics (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Dendro Samples (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Fauna (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Flotation Samples (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Groundstone (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Lithic Flakes (2017)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Obsidian Inventory (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Other Artifacts (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Pollen Samples (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Projectile Points (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP - Undecorated Ceramics (2018)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Andrea Torvinen

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Maps (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Gust Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Analyses - Neutron Activation Analysis of Magdalena Black-on-white Ceramics from Roadmap Village (LA45157) (2011)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jeffrey Ferguson. Michael D. Glascock.

    Report prepared for Margaret C. Nelson by Jeffrey R. Ferguson and Michael D. Glascock of the Archaeometry Laboratory and Research Reactor Center at the University of Missouri. A set of 20 Magdalena Black-on-white sherds were analyzed in comparison with other Magdalena samples from Gallinas Spring, Pinnacle Ruin, and Madera Quemado Pueblo. The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a...

  • MPLP Analyses - X-ray Fluorescence of Obsidian Artifacts from Las Animas Village (LA3949) and Roadmap Village (LA45157) (2011)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jeffrey Ferguson.

    Report prepared for Margaret C. Nelson by Jeffrey R. Ferguson of the Archaeometry Laboratory and Research Reactor Center at the University of Missouri. The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human...

  • MPLP Field Notes - 3-Up Site (LA150373) Unit 101 (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - 3-Up Site (LA150373) Unit 102 (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - 3-Up Site (LA150373) Unit 201 (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - 3-Up Site (LA150373) Unit 301 (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Colleen Strawhacker.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 101 (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 102 (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 103 (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 201 (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 202 (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 202 (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 204 (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Garrett Trask. Colleen Strawhacker.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 206 (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 206 (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 1 (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Margaret Nelson.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 10 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell. Sarah Klassen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 101 (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 102 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 103 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Sarah Klassen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 104 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Garrett Trask.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 105 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 106 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 107 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Sarah Klassen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 108 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 3 (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Matthew Peeples.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 4 (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Colleen Strawhacker.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 5 (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Colleen Strawhacker.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 6 (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 7 (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Stephanie Kulow.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 8 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Garrett Trask.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Field Notes - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 9 (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 101 (2009)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 102 (2009)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 103 (2009)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 201 (2009)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 202 (2010)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 204 (2010)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160) Unit 206 (2010)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 10 (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 102 (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 103 (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 104 (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 105 (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 108 (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 3 (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 4 (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 5 (2008)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 6 (2008)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 7 (2008)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 8 (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Photographs - Roadmap Village (LA45157) Unit 9 (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Andrea Torvinen.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) - Maps (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell. Karen Gust Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • MPLP Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Maps (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Gust Schollmeyer.

    The Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Karen Schollmeyer from 2007-2013 (with Dr. Steve Swanson as a co-director in 2007-2008). MPLP built upon earlier work by Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is based in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the collections are housed at ASU's Center for Archaeology and Society. MPLP focuses on...

  • Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) - Unit 101-102 Summary (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson. Will Russell.

    Units 101 and 102 represent a room suite located in the northwest portion of Phyllis Pueblo. Unit 101 is a rectangular room situated west of and connected by a doorway with a room referred to as Unit 102. A single (perhaps spine-) wall running east-west serves as the south wall for both Unit 101 and Unit 102. A second apparent spine-wall, four meters north of and parallel to the first, serves as the north wall of both rooms. Three shorter walls, each running north-south between the two spine...

  • Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) - Unit 103 Summary (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steve Swanson.

    Unit 103 is a room located in the northwestern area of Phyllis Pueblo. The unit was encountered beneath a later occupation (Units 101 and 102). Unit 103 was built on the northwest side of Phyllis Pueblo, upon a surface that has a slight downwards slope to the southwest.

  • Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) - Unit 201 Summary (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    Unit 201 is located in pueblo room at Phyllis Pueblo (LA45160). The site is located on Palomas Creek, a western tributary of the Rio Grande in southwest New Mexico. Based on extant ceramics and other temporally diagnostic artifacts (Floor Znd subsurface), the immediate area appears to have hosted occupations between the late seventh and early twenty-first centuries. This time frame includes the Late Postclassic period (ca. A.D. 1300-1450), a primary focus of the Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes...

  • Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) - Unit 202 Summary (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell. Garrett Trask.

    The Phyllis Pueblo site (LA45160) is located on Palomas Creek, a western tributary of the Rio Grande in southwestern New Mexico. Unit 202 is located in the east-central portion of the site, where deposits appear to be highest and prehistoric architecture is partially overlain by an historic structure. The unit contains at least four separate occupations (Z, A, B, and C), with Z being the lowest (i.e., earliest) and C being the highest (i.e., latest). Each has a distinct floor and, ostensibly,...

  • Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) - Unit 202 Summary (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell. Karen Gust Schollmeyer. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Phyllis Pueblo site (LA45160) is located on Palomas Creek, a western tributary of the Rio Grande in southwestern New Mexico. Unit 202 is located in the east-central portion of the site and was first excavated in 2009. An unexpected number of superimposed floors and corresponding walls were encountered. Excavation resumed the following year in order to better understand the relationship between these walls, floors, and associated artifacts. Within and adjacent to Unit 202, we encountered...

  • Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) - Unit 204 Summary (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell. Colleen Strawhacker. Garrett Trask.

    The Phyllis Pueblo site (LA45160) is located on Palomas Creek, a western tributary of the Rio Grande in southwestern New Mexico. Unit 204 was identified in 2009 during excavations in the adjacent room of Unit 202. The former is immediately east of the latter and they appear to have shared a common wall throughout most, if not all, occupations. In 2010, additional excavation was undertaken in the southern section of Phyllis Pueblo. This continued research was designed to answer questions about...

  • Phyllis Pueblo (LA 45160) - Unit 206 Summary (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    The Phyllis Pueblo site (LA45160) is located on Palomas Creek, a western tributary of the Rio Grande in southwestern New Mexico. Unit 206 was identified in 2009 during excavation in the adjacent room of Unit 202. The former is immediately north of the latter and they appear to have shared a common wall throughout most, if not all, occupations. In 2010, additional excavation was undertaken in the southern section of Phyllis Pueblo. This continued research was designed to answer questions about...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 1 Summary (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Margaret C. Nelson.

    Unit 1 is a portion of a room located on the east end of the three contiguous rooms excavated to floor this field season. Unit 3 is directly west and Unit 2 is diagonally to the southwest. To the east is a badly looted room and the room to the north may be mostly intact. Unit 1 and the other two excavated units are located at the highest point on the block of rooms that forms the pueblo. We selected these rooms for excavation because we wanted to understand the construction sequence in the...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 10 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell. Sarah Klassen.

    Unit 10 consists of a two story pueblo room near the center of Roadmap Village. No hearth or other domestic feature was encountered in Unit 10, suggesting that the room (or at least its first story) was not residential in nature. Vented V-seams were found in the north and east walls, suggesting some social connection between the residents of Unit 10 and those of the rooms to the east (not excavated) and north (Unit 7). A partially filled doorway was encountered in the room’s west wall. Unit 10...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 101 Summary (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer. Margaret C. Nelson.

    Unit 101 is a trench excavated at Roadmap Village, LA 45157, during the 2008 field season of the Mimbres Prehistoric Landscapes Project. It exposes part of an outdoor plaza area (Locus 3) and part of a pueblo room (Locus 2). We excavated the trench in order to determine where the large northern plaza at the site articulated with the pueblo rooms to the south, information that would help us locate and define rooms to focus on for more complete excavation.

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 102 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    Unit 102 is a 1 m by 2 m test unit excavated at Roadmap Village (LA 45157) during the 2012 field season of the Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project.This unit is situated as close to the center of the site's northern plaza as could be determined. The unit’s long axis was oriented to true north. The width of Unit 102 was eventually widened, forming a 2 m by 2 m area. Excavation encountered evidence of two temporal components. The earliest, represented by Surfaces C and C+, may constitute part...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 105 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Torvinen.

    Unit 105 is a test unit excavated at Roadmap Village (LA 45157) during the 2012 field season of the Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project. The unit is located in the approximate center of the small plaza. This unit placement was chosen for two reasons: (1) identify any surfaces and/or features associated with the small plaza; and (2) determine the depth of the B horizon including the clay strata observed in Units 104 and 106 located in extramural areas to the west of the small plaza....

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 106 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Torvinen.

    Unit 106 is a test unit excavated at Roadmap Village (LA 45157) during the 2012 field season of the Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project. The unit is in an extramural area located west of the most western roomblock within Roadmap Village. This unit placement was chosen for two reasons: (1) recover refuse associated with the roomblock that forms the western edge of the small plaza for relative dating and determining the activities associate with the western roomblock; and (2) determine the...