In Small Islands Forgotten: Insular Historical Archaeologies of a Globalizing World

Part of: Society for Historical Archaeology 2023

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "In Small Islands Forgotten: Insular Historical Archaeologies of a Globalizing World," at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

While often forgotten and languishing in the shadows of their larger, more celebrated siblings, small islands and the people who inhabited and sailed to them have played crucial roles in early modern and modern history and have important forgotten stories to tell. This symposium aims to for the first time bring together a diverse group of historical archaeologists from around the globe who work on small islands, many of which continue to be overlooked or underrepresented in our disciplinary historiography. Our central concern is: what does the historical archaeology of small islands uniquely contribute to our understanding of large-scale early modern and modern phenomena such as colonialism, capitalism, present gender asymmetries, and globalization and their small-scale articulations and reconfigurations?

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-14 of 14)

  • Documents (14)

  1. Antarctic Islands and Capitalism Beyond Maps (2023)
  2. Archaeology of Migrations: Integrated Maritime and Land Archaeology to Assess Disease Control in the Indian Ocean (2023)
  3. Between Seascapes and Sandscapes: An Archaeological Approach of the Insular and Coastal Nautical Spaces in the Colombian Caribbean during the 18th and 19th Centuries (2023)
  4. Exploring the Indigenous Roots of the Canary Islands’ Sugar Industry (Gran Canaria and Tenerife, Spain, 15th-16th Centuries) (2023)
  5. From Cod Fishing to Bottle Fishing: Saint-Pierre et Miquelon During the Prohibition Era (2023)
  6. From Pristine Ecosystem To Monocrop Agriculture: Ecological And Cultural Impacts Of European Colonization In Mauritius. (2023)
  7. Little Giants of the Seas: Situated Globalities on the Small Islands of the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1638-1880 (2023)
  8. On The Margins Of The Indian Sea Trade. (2023)
  9. Prisons in the Galápagos? Digital Archaeology of the Penal Colony of Isabela (1946-1959) (2023)
  10. Retire to the Country: Recent Research at the Highland House Site, Antigua and Barbuda (2023)
  11. Small Island, Big Mission: Landscapes of Presbyterianism in Aniwa, Vanuatu (2023)
  12. Small Islands Supporting Empires: Farming Landscapes in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Pivot of Local Food Sovereignty (2023)
  13. Small islands, big expectations: the role of Isla de Cabras in the defense of San Juan, Puerto Rico. (2023)
  14. Who sewed those buttons? Materials and Technologies in the Making of the Global Self. An Example from Guåham in Månislan Marianas (2023)