Irene Mounds Mortuary Material Accompaniment Data


In the dissertation titled "Interactions with the Incorporeal in the Mississippian and Ancestral Puebloan Worlds," the author analyzed the Irene Mounds Mortuary Material Accompaniment data set in an examination of the performance of mortuary ritual at the Mississippian period Irene Mounds site. The analysis of mortuary accompaniments and the larger consideration of mortuary ritual were designed to understand the identities of the spirits of the dead in Mississippian period villages of the Georgia Coast and in Protohistoric era Zuni villages. Please see the dissertation for details about the analysis and analysis procedures:

The Irene Mounds Mortuary Material Accompaniment data set was analyzed to evaluate if the living placed rare, unique, and/or noticeably symbolically-charged objects in burial features or near to burial features in association with remains of the deceased. The analysis consisted of basic descriptive statistical assessments, and qualitative analysis of contextual patterns.

The Irene Mounds material accompaniment analysis results and discussion are presented in the dissertation's Chapter 5 "Mississippian Landscapes of Memorialized Dead on the Georgia Coast: Irene Mounds Site." Descriptive statistics that summarize results are presented in Tables 5.11, 5.12, and 5.13.

The Irene Mounds mortuary material accompaniment data set that is curated here includes two data sheets: 1) a summary sheet, and 2) raw data. The summary sheet contains demographic data and provenience data for each burial, and records whether each burial did or did not include mortuary accompaniments. The raw data records the presence/absence of different artifact types in each burial. It also contains a field for notes.

Cite this Record

Irene Mounds Mortuary Material Accompaniment Data. M Scott Thompson. 2013 ( tDAR id: 392822) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8Q24161

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Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: artifact raw data

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
Shell Bead(s) (count) VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Shell Bead(s) BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Bone Pin/Needle BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Worked Shell/Columella (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Worked Shell/Columella BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Shell Cup (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Shell Cup BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Shell Pin (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Shell Pin BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Shell Gorget (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Clay Pipe BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Bone Hook (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Bone Hook BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Bone Pin/Needle (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Stone Disc BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Projectile Point (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Projectile Point BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Celt (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Celt BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Stone Pipe (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Stone Pipe BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Clay Pipe (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Bannerstone BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Stone Disc (count) BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Faunal Remains (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Faunal Remains BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Vessel (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Vessel BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Mineral BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Incised/Carved Stone (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Incised/Carved Stone BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Polished Stone (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Polished Stone BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Bannerstone (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Item Description Records a description of burial accompaniments and/or provides notes that pertain to those items
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Item Provides a basic list of the artifact types recovered from a given burial feature.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Shell Gorget BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Awl BIGINT  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true
Age VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Skeletal : Age none none true
Sex VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Skeletal : Sex none none true
Feature Number VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Feature ID/Number none none true
Awl (count) BIGINT  Count Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true

Table Information: artifact summary data

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
Spatial/Structural Group VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Feature Number VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Feature ID/Number none none true
Burial Type VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Type of Interment none none true
Sex VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Skeletal : Sex none none true
Age VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Skeletal : Age none none true
Artifacts Records the presence or absence of artifacts in the burial feature
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Human Burial : Burial Accompaniment none none true

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1150 to 1450

Spatial Coverage

min long: -81.158; min lat: 32.115 ; max long: -81.12; max lat: 32.144 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): M Scott Thompson

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Irene-Material-Accompaniments.xlsx 27.80kb May 4, 2014 2:29:30 AM Confidential
  • Translated version Irene-Material-Accompaniments_translated.xls (82.00kb)
    Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated:
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    At least one of the files for this resource is restricted from public view. For more information regarding access to these files, please reference the contact information below

    Contact(s): M Scott Thompson