Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts

Part of the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Pinto Creek Complex, Livingston Area Sites, Pillar Mound, Pinto Point Sites, Pinto Point Mound (DRAFT) project

Creator(s): Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University

Year: 1997


The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site.

The table lists archaeological sites and designated archaeological contexts - strata - at each site. The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. In this table, the archaeological contexts - strata - are identified by a combination of numbering systems: the ASM site number, a colon, the feature number, and the stratum letter designation (EX: U:3:198:006A, U:3:198:006B). Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a "?". Artifacts from each feature (or mixed context) are tallied according to strata. Please see column metadata for further detail.

The table then provides the frequency (count) of different lithic artifact types for each stratum. Note that the table table provides a count of individual artifacts, and not individual pieces of lithic material.

This data was originally published in the Roosevelt Platform Mound Monograph Series No. 3 as an appendix. See the report at the following tDAR URL:

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Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts. Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizona: Office of Cultural Resource Management, Arizona State University. 1997 ( tDAR id: 398644) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8G162V5

Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: LivingstonPart1Table10.11Page33

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
Flake, Primary Frequency of lithic artifact type Primary Flake in a given stratum. Primary Flakes ate debitage that have a "dorsal surface completely covered with cortex" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Flake, Secondary Frequency of lithic artifact type Secondary Flake in a given stratum. Secondary Flakes are debitage that have a "dorsal surface is partially covered with cortex" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Polishing Stone Frequency of lithic artifact type Polishing Stone in a given stratum. A polishing stones is a "small, fine–grained pebble, worn lustrous by polishing pottery" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Raw Material Frequency of lithic artifact type (mineral) Raw Material in a given stratum. Raw materials are "pieces of material in unmodified condition – unworked includes apache tears, unworked crystals, unworked nodules or pebbles" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Mineral : Count none none true
Biface Frequency of lithic artifact type Biface in a given stratum. Bifaces are lithic artifacts that have been "retouched, thinned on both surfaces" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11). Bifaces received a Stage 3 Special Lithic Analysis for projectile points, bifaces, and unifaces (see A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-15 -- 4-18 and associated form for details of the analysis).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Flake Shatter Frequency of lithic artifact type Shatter in a given stratum. Shatter is debitage that have a "angular pieces, no bulb of percussion, no striking platform" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Ornament Frequency of lithic artifact type Ornament in a given stratum. Ornaments are "worked, or partially worked, pieces or crystals, beads, inlay, and effigies, disks, whorls" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
GRAND TOTAL The total number of lithic artifacts (across all lithic artifact types) in a given stratum.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Hammerstone Frequency of lithic artifact type Hammerstone in a given stratum. A Hammerstone is a "stone with crushing, hinge and step fractures derived from battering, hammering, or pecking activities" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Core Frequency of lithic artifact type Core in a given stratum. Cores are "artifacts with (multiple) negative flake scars; may have platforms; may exhibit crushing and/or step fractures at percussion point(s)" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Agave Knife Frequency of lithic artifact type Agave Knife (Tabular/Spall Tool) in a given stratum. Tabular/spall tools are "relatively large, flat tools with unifacial and/or bifacial retouch. Tabular tools are made from platey material and are thin and flat. Spalls have the dorsal side partially or completely covered with cortex and are made from granular material" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-11). Agave knives (tabular/spal tools) received a Stage 3 Special Lithic Analysis (see A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-19 and associated form for details).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Flake, Tertiary Frequency of lithic artifact type Secondary Flake in a given stratum. Tertiary Flakes are debitage that have a "no cortex on dorsal or ventral surfaces" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Uniface Frequency of lithic artifact type Uniface in a given stratum. A uniface is a lithic artifact "retouched, thinned along one edge or surface (not use–wear only)" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11). Unifaces received a Stage 3 Special Lithic Analysis for projectile points, bifaces, and unifaces (see A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-15 -- 4-18 and associated form for details of the analysis).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Projectile Point Frequency of lithic artifact type Projectile Point in a given stratum. Projectile points are "retouched, small, thinned triangular bifaces with hafting elements" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11). Projectile points received a Stage 3 Special Lithic Analysis for projectile points, bifaces, and unifaces (see A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-15 -- 4-18 and associated form for details of the analysis).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Pigment Stone Frequency of lithic artifact type Pigment Stone in a given stratum. Pigment stones are lithic "materials used to make paints or colors; exhibit ground edges and striations" (A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research, pp. 4-7 and 4-11).
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Stratum Identifies a major natural or cultural depositional event such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate (i.e., a single archaeological context in both horizontal and vertical space). Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. This table contains data from multiple sites with multiple features and associated strata. Thus, in this table, a stratum is identified by combining several numbering systems: an ASM site number, a colon, a feature number, and a stratum letter designation. EX: U:3:198:006A, U:3:198:006B A stratum is a combination of an individual feature and a context in or associated with that feature. For example, Feature 10 might be a structure with an erosionial fill stratum, a roof fall stratum, a floor stratum, and a sterile substrate stratum. Within each feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The levels excavated in a feature were aggregated into individual feature strata (e.g., Levels 1 - 3 = Stratum A). A feature's stratum letters are assigned in descending order. A context letter of "?" designates a mixed level or context or artifacts collected out of context. Examples: 0? = General Cultural Fill/No Feature and Indeterminate context 10A = Feature 10 and Context A 10B = Feature 10 and Context B 10C = Feature 10 and Context C 22? = Feature 22 and Mixed and/or Undefined context 22A - Feature 22 and Context A Each stratum (e.g., 10C) is assigned to a stratum type. The stratum data are presented in separate strata data tables. Artifacts collected from each feature are tallied according to strata. For example, artifacts collected from Feature 10 are tallied for Stratum A, Stratum B, Stratum C, etc.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Stratum none none true

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.007; min lat: 33.623 ; max long: -110.951; max lat: 33.671 ;

Record Identifiers

Roosevelt Monograph Series(s): 3

Anthropological Field Studies(s): 32

Bureau of Reclamation Contract No.(s): 9-CS-32-06230

File Information

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livingston_V.5.119-997_all_lithics.xls 17.50kb May 20, 2015 9:19:50 AM Public
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