Data for the Archaeological Assessment of Four Sites at Melrose Air Force Range (Without Photos)

Part of the Melrose Air Force Range Resources project

Year: 2010


Data for the Archaeological Assessment of Four Sites at Melrose Air Force Range (LA110524, LA110530, LA66373, and LA133088). Data includes curation labels, digital photo log and report, FS list, print ecofact analysis, print historic analysis, print lithic analysis, and specimen inventory.

Cite this Record

Data for the Archaeological Assessment of Four Sites at Melrose Air Force Range (Without Photos). 2010. Melrose Air Force Range ( tDAR id: 489125) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8489125

Restricted Access Some or all of this resource's attached file(s) are not publicly accessible.

Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: Bag List

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
FS Number number of field samples from the project
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
TempNo Use for temporary number or trinomial (if known)
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
trinomial Put trinomial
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
LOT Assign the same lot number to all bags from the same provenience and sample type
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
UTYPE_CDE Unit Type code
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
UTYPE Unit Type Text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
U_NO Unit Number (if assingned)
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Survey Area Survey area name
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Transect Transect Number
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Additional provenience Use this for any additional provenience information
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
NORTH Northing of unit (if a site grid was established)
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EAST Easting of unit (if a site grid was established)
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
LEV Level number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
T_ELEV Elevation of top of level
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
B_ELEV Elevation of bottom of level
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
BD Check this box if depth is below datum
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
CONTENTS Brief description of the artifacts recovered
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
NAME Name of the excavator(s) - use first intial + last name
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
DATE Date excavated - if multiple days, use last day
DATETIME  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
COMMENTS Any additional comments concerning the provenience or materials collected
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
No of Bags Number of bags included in this field sample
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
ProjNo Used to link to PROJECT INFORMATION table
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Site name Not required - use if needed
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Held-in-Trust Was this unit excavated on state-owned property?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Ceramics Were prehistoric ceramics collected?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
No of ceramics Number of prehistoric ceramics
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
lithics Were lithic artifacts collected?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
No of Lithics Number of lithic artifacts
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
historic Were historic artifacts collectedt?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
No of Historic Number of historic artifacts
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
charcoal Was charcoal collected?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Bone Was animal bone collected?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
No of Bone Number of bone fragments collected
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Shell Was shell collected?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
No of Shell Number of shell fragments
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Daub Was daub collected?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
No of daub Number of daub
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Non-cultural Are non-cultural items present?
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Sample Type How was provenience sampled (float sample, 1/4" screened, fine screened, etc.)
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true

Table Information: Photo Log

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
FILMTYPE Film type or Digital
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
ROLL Roll Number; for film only
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
FRAME On print film, use the frame number closest to the center of the image
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
"A" suffix Check this box if the frame number ends with an 'a'
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Frame 00 Select if this is frame 00
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
NAME Name of photographer(s)
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
DATE Date that the photo was taken
DATETIME  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SITENO Temporary site number (use GENERAL for photos that are not from a specific site; localities/isolated finds are also GENERAL)
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Trinomial Permanent site number
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
DESCRIPT Description of photograph
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
DIR Direction of photo (use Down if photo is straght down)
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
CATNO Cataolg number - check with TARL for starting number on previously recorded sites
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
NEGATIVE For print film only - Negative Strip number assigned by TARL
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
ProjNo Project No. - used to link to PROJECT INFORMATION table
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
FileName For digital photos only
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Photo For digital photos only
BLOB  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
County For GENERAL photos - enter county name
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Portrait For digital photos only - select if this is in portrait orientation
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
group For digital photos only - use this field to distinguish portrait from landscape
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true

Table Information: Project Information

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
ProjectNo All projects: GMI project number
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Project Name All projects: GMI project name
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
StateAgency Louisiana Only: Name of state agency
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
FederalAgency Louisiana Only: Name of Federal agency
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
PA Louisiana Only: Name of Project Archeologisit
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true

Table Information: All Artifacts

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
recordNo Common: Automatically adds a unique line number for each entry
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
FS_No Common: Bag number assigned in field
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
ArtNo Common: Unique number assigned within Bag No.
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Group Common: GROUP text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
CCDE Common: CLASS code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Class Common: CLASS text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
TCDE Common: TYPE code number - assigned during analysis
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Type Common: TYPE text - automatically inserted during data entry from type code number
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
OCDE Common: OTHER code number - assigned during analysis
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Other Common: OTHER text - automatically assigned for lithics, ceramics, and ecofacts; often individually entered for historics
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Weight Common: WEIGHT IN GRAMS
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
HCDE Lithic form: Heat Treatment code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Comment Common: Ceramic form - enter name of various ceramic type and varieties and any other pertinent
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Discarded Common: Check this if the artifact is to be discarded
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Discard Comment Common: Use for LA projects to describe artifacts that are discarded
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
TypeName Common: Used to record type names
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Variety Common: Used to record variety names
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Cat_code Ceramic form: Paste Category code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Cat_text Ceramic form: Paste Category text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Texture_code Ceramic form: Texture code number
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Texture_text Ceramic form: Texture text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Inc1_code Ceramic form: Type of Primary Inclusion code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Inc1_text Ceramic form: Type of Primary Inclusion text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Inc2_code Ceramic form: Type of Secondary Inclusion code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Inc2_text Ceramic form: Type of Secondary Inclusion text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
FMet_code Ceramic form: Method of Forming code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
FMet_Text Ceramic form: Method of Formingtext
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SExt_code Ceramic form: Exterior Surface Treatment code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SExt_text Ceramic form: Exterior Surface Treatment text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SInt_code Ceramic form: Interior Surface Treatment code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SInt_Text Ceramic form: Interior Surface Treatment text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SurfDec1_code Ceramic form: Primary Surface Decoration code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SurfDec1_text Ceramic form: Primary Surface Decoration text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SurfDec2_code Ceramic form: Secondary Surface Decoration code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SurfDec2_text Ceramic form: Secondary Surface Decoration text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
DecLoc_code Ceramic form: Location of Decoration code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
DecLoc_text Ceramic form: Location of Decoration text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
CoreType Ceramic form: Core type - code using chart in coding sheet
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
CoreColor Ceramic form: Core color - record using Munsell nomenclature
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
ExtMargin Ceramic form: Color of core marginon exterior side - record using Munsell nomenclature
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
IntMargin Ceramic form: Color of core marginon exterior side - record using Munsell nomenclature
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
ExtColor Ceramic form: Exterior surface color - record using Munsell nomenclature
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
IntColor Ceramic form: Interior surface color - record using Munsell nomenclature
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
RimForm_code Ceramic form: Rim Form code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
RimForm_text Ceramic form: Rim Form text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
RimContour_code Ceramic form: Rim Contour code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
RimContour_text Ceramic form: Rim Contour text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
LipForm_code Ceramic form: Lip Form code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
LipForm_text Ceramic form: Lip Form text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
BaseForm_code Ceramic form: Base Form code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
BaseForm_text Ceramic form: Base Form text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
RimThick Ceramic form: Rim Thickness - measure in mm
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
WallThick Ceramic form: Thickness of vessel wall - measure in mm
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
BaseThick Ceramic form: Base thickness - measured in mm
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
VesselForm_code Ceramic form: Vessel Form code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
VesselForm_text Ceramic form: Vessel Form text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
RimDia Ceramic form: Diameter of vessel mouth measured in cm
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Mat Lithic form: Lithic Material code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Material Lithic form: Lithic Material text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Heat Lithic form: Heat Treatment text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Size_Cde Lithic form: Size Grade of Artifact (im mm) code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Size Lithic form: Size Grade of Artifact (im mm) text - enter actual size of formal tools and cores as L-x-W-x-T
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Mod_code Lithic form: Modification code number
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Modification Lithic form: Modification text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Cond_code Lithic form: Condition code number
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Condition Lithic form: Condition text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
cortex_code Lithic form: Percent of cortex code number
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
cortex Lithic form: Percent of cortex text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Dates Historic form: DATE RANGE OF MATERIAL text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Fam_Cde Historic form: ANALYTIC FAMILY code number
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Family Historic form: ANALYTIC FAMILY text
TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
TARL BAg Common: Number assigned to large bags of artifact bags (divided by material type) for TARL curation
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Species TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Element TEXT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Missing Artifact is missing from the collection
BOOLEAN  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true

Data Table Relationships:

Type Local Table Foreign Table Column Relationships
ONE_TO_MANY Bag List All Artifacts FS Number FS_No
ONE_TO_MANY Project Information Bag List ProjectNo ProjNo
ONE_TO_MANY Project Information Photo Log ProjectNo ProjNo

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager

Record Identifiers

NMCRIS Number(s): 123589

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
10509.00.61-without-integrated-photos.mdb 41.56mb Oct 6, 2023 12:16:19 PM Confidential

Accessing Restricted Files

At least one of the files for this resource is restricted from public view. For more information regarding access to these files, please reference the contact information below

Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager