Radiocarbon Determinations for Small-Scale Stone Monuments in Dhofar

Creator(s): Joy McCorriston

Year: 2020


Table (excel) of 14C determinations; color-coded for monument type (classification); excavated samples obtained through fieldwork under permit from Ministry of Heritage & Tourism, Sultanate of Oman

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Radiocarbon Determinations for Small-Scale Stone Monuments in Dhofar. Joy McCorriston. 2020 ( tDAR id: 500963) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8500963

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Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: Monuments

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
Site Site Codes begin with a numbered Survey Unit in Dhofar (Dnnn), then have a unique site number (001...n) within that Dhofar Survey Unit.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Provenience and Context : Site Monument color codes none true
Lab Standard Lab Descriptor (AA=Arizona Accelerator; UGAMS=University of Georgia AMS lab, forms part of full and unique sample ID
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Other : ID none none true
Code Unique LAB NUMBER given to sample at arrival at measurement facility
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Dating Sample : Other none none true
Quad Quadrant of a monument or structure; also used to designate a trench, archaeological unit of excavation
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Context none none true
Locus Sites excavated by natural strata; sometimes these entirely included in one Locus, sometimes arbitrarily divided into multiple loci (per excavator judgement). All excavated material included in a lot within a locus
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Locus none none true
Lot Divisible Locus may be arbitrarily sub-divided into lots. Not all loci have more than one lot. Each sample bag (metal, ceramics, bone, 14C samples) has a Locus & Lot & Bag number
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Lot none none true
Bag Sample bag designation (numbered 1...n for each Locus-Lot)
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Identifier none none true
Context Brief description of the provenience of the radiocarbon sample; further description in publications, especially see McCorriston 2023 Persistent Pastoralism (Archaeopress).
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Context none none true
14C BP uncalibrated radiocarbon determination (before present)
BIGINT  Measurement (year) Dating Sample : Date none none true
Error statistical error range of uncalibrated measurement in years
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Other : Index none none true
taq; tpq taq=terminus ante quem; tpq=terminus post quem. Situates the sample determination relative to the event being dated
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Vertical Position none none true
reference Identifies the curve/reference data used in radiocarbon calibration of this sample
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Other : ID none none true
BCE/CE 2sigma Calibrated date range 95%
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Dating Sample : Date none none true
kind Provides details of the sample material, if applicable
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Other : ID none none true
material Describes the material submitted for radiocarbon assay.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Dating Sample : Other none none true

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: -7500 to 2023 (South Arabian pastoral prehistory through present)

Spatial Coverage

min long: 53.159; min lat: 16.983 ; max long: 54.763; max lat: 17.634 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Joy McCorriston

Principal Investigator(s): Joy McCorriston

Record Identifiers

NSF Grant(s): 1617185


General Note: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (NSF Grant Number) 1617185. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation

Source Collections

Herbarium specimens, wood, and macrobotanical reference materials in Joy McCorriston's collections at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Fossil hyrax latrines and pollen collections with Sarah Ivory (Penn State University), data to be uploaded to Neotoma repository.

Human bone, artifacts archived by the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, Sultanate of Oman; located in Ministry Storage, Muscat, Oman.

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
S-T3-dates_tableV2_-OMAN-MONUMENTS.xlsx 15.27kb Jul 23, 2024 Jul 23, 2024 11:46:35 AM Embargoed Five Years
Color-coded excel file; each row represents one 14C determination from excavation; sample context details provided; see also McCorriston 2023 Persistent Pastoralism (Archaeopress).
  • Translated version S-T3-dates_tableV2_-OMAN-MONUMENTS_translated.xlsx (7.54kb)
    Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: