An Assessment of the Cultural Resources of the Little Black Watershed

Author(s): James E. Price; Cynthia R. Price

Year: 1975


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An Assessment of the Cultural Resources of the Little Black Watershed. James E. Price, Cynthia R. Price. 1975 ( tDAR id: 189428)

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections


Cultural Resource Dam House Site Log Cabin Logging Camp Logging Town Sawmill school Spring Box Standing Structure Still Tram Line

Geographic Keywords
05021 (Fips Code) 23BU107 23BU108 23BU109 23BU110 23BU111 23BU112 23BU113 23BU114 23BU116 23BU117 23BU118 23BU119 23BU121 23BUH10 23BUH11 23BUH12 23BUH13 23BUH14 23BUH9 23CTH1 23CTH2 23CTH3 23CTH4 23CTH5 23CTH7 23CY161 23RI102 23RI118 23RI119 23RI120 23RI122 23RI123 23RI124 23RI125 23RI126 23RI127 23RI128 23RI129 23RI130 23RI131 23RI132 23RI133 23RI134 23RI135 23RI136 23RI137 23RI138 23RI139 23RI140 23RI141 23RI142 23RI143 23RI144 23RI145 23RI151 23RI152 23RI153 23RI154 23RI155 23RI156 23RI157 23RI158 23RI159 23RI160 23RI161 23RI162 23RI163 23RI164 23RIH20 23RIH21 23RIH22 23RIH23 23RIH24 23RIH26 23RIH27 23RIH28 23RIH29 23RIH30 23RIH31 23RIH32 23RIH33 23RIH34 23RIH36 23RIH37 23RIH38 23RIH39 23RIH40 23RIH41 23RIH42 23RIH43 23RIH44 23RIH45 23RIH46 23RIH47 23RIH48 29023 (Fips Code) 29035 (Fips Code) 29181 (Fips Code) 3CY159 3CY160 3CY162 3CY163 3CY164 3CY165 3CY166 3CY34 Arkansas (State / Territory) Butler (County) Carter (County) Clay (County) LITTLE BLACK RIVER DRAINAGE MIDDLE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY Missouri (State / Territory) North America (Continent) Ozark Plateau Ripley (County) United States of America (Country) Show More

Temporal Keywords
Historic Prehistoric

Spatial Coverage

min long: -91.225; min lat: 36.201 ; max long: -90.063; max lat: 37.1 ;

Record Identifiers

NADB document id number(s): 4051561

NADB citation id number(s): 000000075636


General Note: Sent from: Museum of Anthropology, University of Missouri

General Note: Submitted to: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Place not Given