Additional Phase IB Archeological Survey Along US 113, at Wetland Mitigation Site 34 and Additional Row from South of MD 589 to North of Jarvis Road, Worcester County, Maryland
Author(s): Heather Millis
Year: 2000
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Additional Phase IB Archeological Survey Along US 113, at Wetland Mitigation Site 34 and Additional Row from South of MD 589 to North of Jarvis Road, Worcester County, Maryland. Heather Millis. Archeological Report ,1. Baltimore, MD: Maryland State Highway Administration. 2000 ( tDAR id: 200279)
Investigation Types
Site Evaluation / Testing
Historic Artifact Scatters
Lithic Scatters
Geographic Keywords
24047 (Fips Code)
Maryland (State / Territory)
North America (Continent)
United States of America (Country)
Worcester (County)
Temporal Keywords
18th-20th centuries
Spatial Coverage
min long: -75.662; min lat: 37.994 ; max long: -74.986; max lat: 38.452 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Sponsor(s): Federal Highway Administration
Record Identifiers
NADB document id number(s): 130606
NADB citation id number(s): 000000248284