Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Connector Road For a Proposed I-71 Interchange in Orange Township, Delaware County, Ohio
Author(s): Chris J. Grimes
Year: 1989
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Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Connector Road For a Proposed I-71 Interchange in Orange Township, Delaware County, Ohio. Chris J. Grimes. 1989 ( tDAR id: 34953)
Early Archaic
Late Archaic
Late Prehistoric
Late Woodland
Middle Woodland
Chipped Stone
Ground Stone
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Site Evaluation / Testing
33 DL 539 / DEL-386-16
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Brewerton Points
Cedarville-Guelph Chert
Columbus Chert
Cultural Resource
Delaware Chert
Hamilton Incurvate Point
Historic Complex
Historic Scatters
Isolated Find
Jack's Reef Points
Karnak Points
Kirk Point
Lamoka Points
Le Croy Points
Lithic Scatters
Mac Corkle Points
MC Whinney Points
Orange Township I-71 Interchange Connector Rd
Rice Lobed Point
Thebes Points
Upper Mercer Flint
Vanport Flint
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Geographic Keywords
39041 (Fips Code)
Alum Creek Drainage
Delaware (County)
North America (Continent)
Ohio (State / Territory)
Olentangy River Drainage
Orange Township
Till Plains
United States of America (Country)
Temporal Keywords
Late 19th-Early 20th Century
Spatial Coverage
min long: -83.25; min lat: 40.126 ; max long: -82.745; max lat: 40.444 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Sponsor(s): NP Limited, Columbus, OH
Prepared By(s): Archaeological Services Consultants, Inc.
Record Identifiers
NADB document id number(s): 30496
NADB citation id number(s): 000000144098
General Note: Submitted to: NP Limited, Columbus, OH
General Note: Sent from: Archaeological Services Consultants, Inc.