Potential for DNA Testing of the Human Remains from Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington [Feb. 3, 2000]

Part of the Archaeology of Kennewick Man project

Author(s): Noreen Tuross; Connie J. Kolman

Year: 2000


At the request of the Department of Justice and Dr. Francis P. McManamon, Departmental Consulting Archaeologist of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, the authors discuss the potential for DNA analysis of the human skeletal remains from Kennewick, Washington that are the objects of the lawsuit now pending (Bonnichsen et al., vs. United States of America, Civil No. 9601481-JE). The purpose of such an analysis would be to determine the genetic affinity of the above individual by isolating DNA from bone, and comparing any data generated with the known range and variation in human mitochondrial1 DNA.

Cite this Record

Potential for DNA Testing of the Human Remains from Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington [Feb. 3, 2000]. Noreen Tuross, Connie J. Kolman. Washington, DC: National Park Service, Department of the Interior. 2000 ( tDAR id: 365166) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8W958XH

URL: http://www.nps.gov/archeology/kennewick/tuross_kolman.htm

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min long: -119.165; min lat: 46.213 ; max long: -119.128; max lat: 46.231 ;

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kennewickman_potential_for_dna_testing_human_remains_columbia_... 267.35kb Jul 22, 2011 2:34:03 PM Public