Vanishing River Guide to Volumes 1 - 3: The Electronic Volumes Originally on CD

Part of the Lower Verde Archaeological project

Author(s): Lynne Yamaguchi

Year: 1997


This document is a guide that describes the creation of Volumes 1 through 3 in electronic format, and that outlines the use of the electronic resources as originally presented on CD. It does contain some information that future users may find useful in working with the pdf files. For example, it contains very helpful information regarding the organization of information. It also contains a guide that explains how to cite all of the resources in these documents properly.

Cite this Record

Vanishing River Guide to Volumes 1 - 3: The Electronic Volumes Originally on CD. Lynne Yamaguchi. In Vanishing River: Landscapes and Lives of the Lower Verde Valley: The Lower Verde Archaeological Project. Pp. 1-7. Tucson, AZ: Statistical Research, Inc. Press. 1997 ( tDAR id: 372143) ; doi:10.6067/XCV80K27CV

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
lvap-guide-to-volumes-1---3_electronic-volumes-originally-on-c... 333.49kb Nov 21, 2011 4:23:42 PM Public