Archeological Overview and Assessment of Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois

Author(s): Alan J. Osborn

Year: 2001


Lincoln Home National Historic Site is located in urban Springfield, Illinois. It preserves the residence of the Abraham Lincoln family before the Civil War, as well as several other residences dating to the mid-19th century. A number of property lots within the park also formerly contained mid-19th century houses and ancillary buildings. Lincoln’s residence and nearby properties have been the subject of intermittent archeological investigation since 1951. This archeological overview and assessment study describes the environment of Lincoln Home National Historic Site, reviews the archeological investigations that have taken place there, and offers recommendations for future archeological research.

Cite this Record

Archeological Overview and Assessment of Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois. Alan J. Osborn. Midwest Archeological Center Technical Report ,No. 72. Lincoln, Nebraska: Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service. 2001 ( tDAR id: 376100) ; doi:10.6067/XCV84F1QF2

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