Policies, Preservation, and Access to Digital Resources: The Digital Antiquity 2010 National Repositories Survey

Author(s): Joshua Watts

Year: 2011


This report describes the results of a survey of archaeological repositories around the United States to better understand how institutions of varying sizes and missions are handling the increasing flow of digital data and documents. Our goal was to gain an understanding of how the repositories plan and conduct their operations to preserve and provide access to digital archaeological information now and into the indefinite future. Responses to the survey were collected in the summer and fall of 2010, between June and November.

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Policies, Preservation, and Access to Digital Resources: The Digital Antiquity 2010 National Repositories Survey. Joshua Watts. Publications in Digital Antiquity ,No. 2. Tempe, AZ: Center for Digital Antiquity. 2011 ( tDAR id: 378318) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8CC1022

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