Cultural Resources Survey of the Charleston County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Facility and Impound Lot Tract

Author(s): Erik Mischker; Allison Wind

Editor(s): Jennifer Salo

Year: 2008


"In November 2007, Brockington and Associates,

Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the

11-acre Charleston County Sheriff ’s Department

K-9 Facility and Impound Lot Tract in Charleston

County, South Carolina. This work was conducted

for the County of Charleston Department of Capital

Projects of North Charleston, South Carolina,

in compliance with state laws and regulations

concerning the management of historic properties (i.e.,

archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, or

districts listed on or eligible for the National Register

of Historic Places [NRHP]) affected by development

activities in the Coastal Zone of South Carolina.

The cultural resources survey of the Charleston

County Sheriff ’s Department K-9 Facility and

Impound Lot Tract included background research

and archaeological survey. Investigators revisited one

previously identified site (38CH675) during the survey

of the project tract. We recommend site 38CH675 not

eligible for the NRHP. No further management of site

38CH675 is recommended. No standing structures are

present within the project tract. Further management

of the Charleston County Sheriff ’s Department

K-9 Facility and Impound Lot Tract with regard to

cultural resources is not warranted. Proposed landdisturbing

activities in the Charleston County Sheriff ’s

Department K-9 Facility and Impound Lot Tract will

not affect any historic properties and should be allowed

to proceed without further management consideration."

Cite this Record

Cultural Resources Survey of the Charleston County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Facility and Impound Lot Tract. Erik Mischker, Allison Wind, Jennifer Salo. Mt. Pleasant, SC: Brockington and Associates, Inc. 2008 ( tDAR id: 391189) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8V40WGS

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections


Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1694 to 1715 (Land granted to Burnaby Bull)

Calendar Date: 1715 to 1758 (Land in trust to William Elliott, Thomas Stocks, and Shem Butler but still owned by Bull's family)

Calendar Date: 1716 to 1735 (70 acres on the tract owned by Bull's kids)

Calendar Date: 1735 to 1758 (Land owned by Benjamin Whitaker who purchased additional parts of the land over the next three years)

Calendar Date: 1758 to 1855 (Land owned by William Roper and heirs)

Calendar Date: 1855 to 1858 (Land owned by Arthur and Walter I. Middleton)

Calendar Date: 1858 to 1860 (Land owned by William B. Smith)

Calendar Date: 1860 to 1863 (Land owned by Dr. Richard L. North)

Calendar Date: 1863 to 1873 (Land owned by George A. Trenholm)

Calendar Date: 1873 to 1884 (Land owned by Elizabeth H. C. Inwood)

Calendar Date: 1877 to 1877 (49 acres sold to Thomas D. Dotterer)

Calendar Date: 1884 to 1965 (Rest of land tract owned by John J. Mappus and heirs)

Calendar Date: 1965 to 2008 (Land owned by Charleston County)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -80.028; min lat: 32.612 ; max long: -79.839; max lat: 32.827 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Paul Wood; Jonathan Leader

Contributor(s): Paige Wagoner; Johshua N. Fletcher; Jerry English; Brian Falls; Rebekah Sease; Blair Stec; Claire Tindal; Damon Jackson; Erik Mischker; Allison Wind; Jennifer Salo

Lab Director(s): Nicole Isenbarger

Sponsor(s): County of Charleston Department of Capital Projects

Prepared By(s): Brockington and Associates, Inc.


General Note: "Investigators revisited one previously identified site (38CH675) during the survey of the Charleston County Sheriff ’s Department K-9 Facility and Impound Lot Tract. We recommend site 38CH675 not eligible for the NRHP. Further management of the Charleston County Sheriff ’s Department K-9 Facility and Impound Lot Tract with regard to cultural resources is not warranted. Proposed land-disturbing activities in the Charleston County Sheriff ’s Department K-9 Facility and Impound Lot Tract will not affect any historic properties and should be allowed to proceed without further management consideration."

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
k-9-facility-impound-lot-final-report.pdf 10.51mb Jun 4, 2013 9:17:53 AM Confidential
redacted-k-9-facility-impound-lot-final-report.pdf 5.17mb Jun 4, 2013 9:18:01 AM Public

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Contact(s): Jonathan Leader