Cultural Resources Survey of the SC-118 and S-895 Intersection Improvements Project, Aiken County, South Carolina

Author(s): David Baluha

Year: 2010


"The project is for proposed improvements to the SC-118 and S-895 intersection in Aiken, South Carolina. The SC-118 and S-895 Intersection Improvements Project includes the installation of left tum lanes on all approaches. These include new rights-of-way (ROW) extending approximately 500 feet north, south, east, and west of the intersection. These improvements, proposed by the Department Traffic Safety Office, are designed to reduce the numbers of rear-end crashes and to improve traffic flow at the intersection. Figure I presents the location of the project on the Aiken County highway map. Figure 2 presents the project location and nearby cultural resources on the USGS 1980 Graniteville, SC quadrangle."

Cite this Record

Cultural Resources Survey of the SC-118 and S-895 Intersection Improvements Project, Aiken County, South Carolina. David Baluha. Columbia, South Carolina: South Carolina Department of Transportation. 2010 ( tDAR id: 391523) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8W66N23

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -82.137; min lat: 33.414 ; max long: -81.335; max lat: 33.771 ;


General Note: "There are no historic architectural resources within the survey universe, and there are no recorded historic properties within 0.5 mile of the intersection. Investigators identified no cultural resources during the survey. If current proposed road plans change, additional survey may be necessary."

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