Results of Archaeological Testing at the Proposed New Lagoon Site/Borrow Pit in Dead Horse Ranch State Park Yavapai County, Arizona

Author(s): M. Zyniecki

Year: 1991


An archaeological testing program was conducted at the proposed new lagoon site/borrow pit in Dead Horse Ranch State Park. The project was undertaken by SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, under contract to Entranco Engineers, Inc. and was sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation and Arizona State Parks. The area tested was 33,910 m² (8.4 ac.). Twenty-eight systematically located backhoe trenches and two judgmentally placed backhoe trenches were excavated. Sixteen artifacts were observed and collected, three from surface and 13 from subsurface contexts. No significant cultural resources were observed, and cultural resource clearance is recommended for the proposed undertaking.

Cite this Record

Results of Archaeological Testing at the Proposed New Lagoon Site/Borrow Pit in Dead Horse Ranch State Park Yavapai County, Arizona, 53. M. Zyniecki. SWCA Archaeological Report ,91. Phoenix, AZ: SWCA Environmental Consultants. 1991 ( tDAR id: 399319) ; doi:10.6067/XCV89888VZ

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.036; min lat: 34.735 ; max long: -111.996; max lat: 34.769 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Arizona State Parks

Contributor(s): Kirk Anderson; Andrew Arias; Lee Y. Black; Joseph Crary

Field Director(s): M. Zyniecki

Sponsor(s): Arizona State Parks; Arizona Department of Transportation

Prepared By(s): SWCA Environmental Consultants

Submitted To(s): Arizona Department of Transportation; Entranco Engineers, Inc.

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Archaeology-testing-at-Dead-Horse-Ranch.pdf 610.74kb Aug 5, 1991 Sep 21, 2015 11:34:21 AM Confidential
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Archaeology-testing-at-Dead-Horse-Ranch_Redacted.pdf 730.52kb Aug 5, 1991 Feb 24, 2016 1:34:22 PM Public
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