Closing the Gap: Using tDAR’s Data Integration Tool in Research


Archaeological projects generate data that is often underutilized in research and analysis beyond the life of the initial project. Discipline specific digital repositories and data publishing platforms can address problems related to the access and the utility of these databases and data sets, making it possible to synthesize data across projects and investigations. tDAR has a tool that can do this without a priori standardization, meaning researchers can easily bring together large data sets from within and across sites and regions for analysis. This poster presentation describes this Data Integration Tool and provides a case study from the TAG (Transatlantic Archaeology Gateway) project.

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Closing the Gap: Using tDAR’s Data Integration Tool in Research. Jodi Reeves Flores, Leigh Anne Ellison, adam brin. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Washington, D.C. 2016 ( tDAR id: 434882)

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