Archeological Survey of Proposed Prescribed Burn Units and Trail Rehabilitation on the Shivwits Plateau of Parashant National Monument, Arizona
Part of the Archaeology of Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument project
Author(s): Mary Robertson; Art MacWilliams
Year: 2006
During May of 1999 a WACC archeological crew surveyed 700 acres on the southern Shivwits Plateau to identify cultural resources in planned burn units and preceding trail maintenance on Mt. Dellenbaugh. Several previously recorded sites were relocated, nine new sites were recorded, and 44 isolated find locations were recorded. These results indicate abundant cultural resources within the burn units and on the Mt. Dellenbaugh Jeep trail. Diagnostic artifacts from eight prehistoric sites are primarily from the Virgin Anasazi Pueblo II period, although each of these sites is probably multi-component. Overall, artifacts may span the Late Archaic period up to approximately AD 1900. One site is a small artifact
scatter associated with turn-of-the-century tree cutting. Conditional clearance for the proposed work is recommended.
Cite this Record
Archeological Survey of Proposed Prescribed Burn Units and Trail Rehabilitation on the Shivwits Plateau of Parashant National Monument, Arizona. Mary Robertson, Art MacWilliams. Publications in Anthropology ,94. Tucson, Arizona: Western Archeological and Conservation Center. 2006 ( tDAR id: 4360) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8CN72QV
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Ancestral Puebloan
Virgin Anasazi
Chipped Stone
Ground Stone
Site Type
Archaeological Feature
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex
Investigation Types
Systematic Survey
Geographic Keywords
Grand Canyon
Temporal Coverage
Calendar Date: -2000 to 1900
Spatial Coverage
min long: -113.906; min lat: 35.755 ; max long: -113.049; max lat: 36.328 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contributor(s): Shirley Shirley
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