An Archaeological Assessment of the Arcadia Drive Drainage Improvements Project of Phoenix and Central Maricopa County, Arizona

Author(s): James B. Rodgers

Year: 2010


In partnership with the City of Phoenix, the Flood Control District is designing a project to resolve certain hazardous flood conditions in the Arcadia area of Phoenix and central Maricopa County, Arizona. Scientific Archeological Services has been contracted to assess whether or not any further research is necessary to evaluate the effect that the Arcadia Drive Drainage Improvements Project will have on significant cultural resources.

Cite this Record

An Archaeological Assessment of the Arcadia Drive Drainage Improvements Project of Phoenix and Central Maricopa County, Arizona, 2. James B. Rodgers. 2010 ( tDAR id: 436476) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8436476

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.694; min lat: 33.486 ; max long: -112.678; max lat: 33.522 ;

Record Identifiers

Maricopa County Flood Control District Contract No.(s): 2007C034

Work Assignment(s): 15

Contract Archeological Series(s): 10-2

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
2010_Rodgers_ArchaeologicalAssessmentArcadia_OCR_PDFA.pdf 11.34mb May 15, 2010 Jun 21, 2017 2:41:05 PM Confidential
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