Community Engagement in Underwater Archaeology: The LaSalle-Griffon Project

Author(s): Kenneth Vrana; Misty Jackson; Mark Holley

Year: 2014


After several years of litigation, the Great Lakes Exploration Group, State of Michigan, and Republic of France in 2010 authorized a cooperative archaeological investigation to identify Site 20UM723 (proposed Le Griffon site). Based on the findings, test excavations were conducted in 2013 with support from archaeologists, other scientists, scientific and professional divers, avocational historians, and community members near the project site. This example of community engagement will be discussed in relation to prevalent concepts and practices in the social sciences, including public input, citizen participation, social marketing, and community involvement. Community engagement generally means that strategic actions are based on the needs of defined communities and other stakeholders, and that these stakeholders are genuinely involved in decision-making from beginning to end of the project or longer-term program. An important purpose of community engagement is to empower citizen action and stewardship.

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Community Engagement in Underwater Archaeology: The LaSalle-Griffon Project. Kenneth Vrana, Misty Jackson, Mark Holley. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2014 ( tDAR id: 436828)

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