English Border Ware Ceramics in Seventeenth-Century Newfoundland
Author(s): Catherine Hawkins
Year: 2014
English Border ware was produced along the Surrey-Hampshire border in southern England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and was distributed to all parts of England as well as to colonies in North America. Various collections of Border ware ceramics that have been excavated at archaeological sites in Newfoundland will be analysed to obtain a broader understanding of the presence of this ceramic type during the early years of colonization. By studying and comparing the collections of Border ware at Ferryland, Cupids, Renews and St. John’s I hope to answer the following questions: What forms are present in Newfoundland? Do the forms vary at each site? If so, why? What does this say about the trading networks between England and Newfoundland? What information can this tell us about the socio-economic status of the people who inhabited each site at this time?
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English Border Ware Ceramics in Seventeenth-Century Newfoundland. Catherine Hawkins. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2014 ( tDAR id: 437129)
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PaperId(s): SYM-59,04