A Case of a Missing House at Colonial Brunswick Town: The Rediscovery of the Wooten-Marnan Residence
Author(s): Jennifer Gabriel-Powell
Year: 2014
Archaeological investigations by William Peace University Field Schools in 2009 and 2011 uncovered evidence of previously unexplored colonial period occupation at Brunswick Town. Initially identified by Stanley South in the late 1950s, town lot 344 was not further investigated as it was outside of the area being developed for public visitation. Upon correlation with the 2009 and 2011 base map with South’s 1960 base map and C.J. Sauthier’s 1769 plan of the town, a cluster of units corresponded with a colonial household. Historic deed transfers reveal this house was owned by a series of individuals, which included sailmaker Christopher Wooten, mariner Thomas Marnan, and carpenter Jonathan Caulkins. While excavations in this area revealed no architectural evidence of the Wooten-Marnan House, pattern analysis of recovered artifacts from the former household and yard space clearly indicate the presence of a colonial home.
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A Case of a Missing House at Colonial Brunswick Town: The Rediscovery of the Wooten-Marnan Residence. Jennifer Gabriel-Powell. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2014 ( tDAR id: 437265)
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