Data Recovery for Five Archeological Sites Desert View Road Realignment Grand Canyon National Park
Part of the Archaeology of Grand Canyon National Park project
Author(s): Andrea C. Vermeer
Year: 2008
Archeologists from the National Park Service, Western Archeological and Conservation Center (WACC), conducted archeological investigations at five sites that will be affected by the proposed re-alignment of Desert View Road at Grand Canyon National Park. Fieldwork during June of 2000
included the relocation, mapping, and testing of these sites, as well as data recovery. The analysis and cataloging of all recovered materials were accomplished during the summer and fall of the same year. This report describes the cultural and environmental backgrounds for the archeological project, the research objectives of the project, the methods used to address these objectives, previous archeological research in the project area, and the results of the project, including assessments of
site significance and conditions.
The disturbed nature of the cultural resources at each site, due in large part to mixing of deposits and to large earth-moving projects related to road construction, combined with the inability of the cultural resources to address questions important in history or prehistory, constitute compromising of site integrity and ineligibility to the NRHP. No further management is required.
Cite this Record
Data Recovery for Five Archeological Sites Desert View Road Realignment Grand Canyon National Park. Andrea C. Vermeer. Publications in Anthropology ,104. Tucson, Arizona: Western Archeological and Conservation Center. 2008 ( tDAR id: 4373) ; doi:10.6067/XCV86T0KBF
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Ancestral Puebloan
Chipped Stone
Site Type
Archaeological Feature
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation
Geographic Keywords
Grand Canyon
Temporal Coverage
Calendar Date: 1000 to 1950
Spatial Coverage
min long: -111.844; min lat: 36.022 ; max long: -111.822; max lat: 36.041 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contributor(s): Karen M. Heaney; Loy C. Neff; Charny L. White; Meredith A. Wilson
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
pia-104-grca-2000-a.pdf | 11.78mb | Oct 16, 2010 10:43:14 AM | Public |