Material and Social Landscapes of Federal Education for Alaska Natives, 1905-1951

Author(s): Sarah Corbin; Ricky Hoff; Mark Cassell

Year: 2014


Between 1905 and 1951, the U.S. Department of the Interior was solely responsible for the education of Alaska Natives. The architecture and ideology of Native education in Alaska was created and implemented by the federal government, first by Bureau of Education after 1905, and after 1931 by the Office of Indians Affairs and its administrative descendants (Alaska Indian Service, Alaska Native Service, and finally the Bureau of Indians Affairs). This poster describes continuity and change in material and social landscapes of federal control of Native education in early-mid-20th century Alaska.

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Material and Social Landscapes of Federal Education for Alaska Natives, 1905-1951. Sarah Corbin, Ricky Hoff, Mark Cassell. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2014 ( tDAR id: 437406)

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