VAFB-1981-19: Summary of HDR Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Excavation Programs in the San Antonio Terrace Dunes, Vandenberg Air Force Base

Author(s): HDR Sciences

Year: 1981


This document contains the field notes, graphics, and other records pertaining to archaeological excavations conducted by HDR staff archaeologists for M-X facilities sitings at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (September-December 1980). The original field notes have been edited, supplemented, and typed. Most of the pertinent original graphics, such as profiles, have been reproduced from field copies into final forms and their implications are briefly discussed. However, most of the original provenience records which are legible and too cumbersome to warrant transcribing have been left as they are and are filed with the original field notes.

Cite this Record

VAFB-1981-19: Summary of HDR Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Excavation Programs in the San Antonio Terrace Dunes, Vandenberg Air Force Base. HDR Sciences. 1981 ( tDAR id: 445474) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8445474

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -120.58; min lat: 34.69 ; max long: -120.51; max lat: 34.73 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Vandenberg Air Force Base

Field Director(s): Michael Macko

Lab Director(s): JoAnn Kvamme

Principal Investigator(s): Steven Craig; Michael Macko

Landowner(s): Vandenberg Air Force Base

Repository(s): 30 CES/CEVPC Vandenberg Air Force Base

Prepared By(s): HDR Sciences

Submitted To(s): U.S. Air Force, Ballistic Missile Office, Norton Air Force Base

Record Identifiers

Vandenberg AFB Report No.(s): VAFB-1981-19

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VAFB-1981-19_OCR_PDFA.pdf 5.37mb May 8, 2018 9:13:07 AM Confidential