Vandenberg Air Force Base
Alternate Names: VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE , Vandenberg Air Force Base, Civil Engineering Squadron , Vandenberg Air Force Base. CA , Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA , Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA , Vandenberg AFB , Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) , Environmental Planning Branch, Vandenber Airforce Base , Vandenberg Air Force Base - Contractor , Vandenberg
Institution Members
1-35 (35 Records)
- Archaeological Literature and Records Search For a Proposed Cable Trench From Jalama Beach To Point Conception Santa Barbara County, California (1979)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Geological Coring For the Coastal Branch WaterPipeline, Phase II, Reach 6, Within Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, CA (1994)
- LET-007: VAFB Request for SHPO Concurrence for Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS) Installation of Security Fence Concrete Footing (2008)
- LET-008: VAFB Request for SHPO Concurrence for Interim Remediation Project (IRP) for Site 8C (2008)
- Re: Section 106 Consultation for Water and Wastewater Operations Center Construction, Vandenberg AFB (2018)
- VAFB-1973-01: Excavations at the Barka Slough Site, SBA-1010, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, a Preliminary Report (1973)
- VAFB-1974-02: Archaeological Survey of Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California, 1971 to 1973 (1974)
- VAFB-1975-01: Letter Report: REF: Purchase Order No. F04684 76 31076; dated 09 Dec 75 for Archaeological Survey and Report (1975)
- VAFB-1975-02: Archaeological Impact Statement for the Proposed Construction of an Antenna Base Adjacent to Building 23251 (1975)
- VAFB-1976-02: Archaeological Impact Statement In Fulfillment Of Purchase Order No. F 04684 76 31539 (1976)
- VAFB-1977-01: Final Report: An Intensive Archaeological Survey of Five Areas On Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (1977)
- VAFB-1978-01: An Inter-Tidal and Underwater Archeological Survey of the Point Arguello Boathouse Area, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1978)
- VAFB-1981-09: Range Improvement Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1981)
- VAFB-1981-13: Prehistoric and Historic Land Use Strategies in the San Antonio Terrace: A Research Design to Guide Archaeological Studies in Support of the MX Missile Test Facility on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1981)
- VAFB-1981-19: Summary of HDR Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Excavation Programs in the San Antonio Terrace Dunes, Vandenberg Air Force Base (1981)
- VAFB-1983-10: Results of Archaeological Monitoring at SBa-1149-P, in Connection with the GSSI Project at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. (1983)
- VAFB-1984-26a: Archaeological Investigations on the San Antonio Terrace, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, In Connection with MX Facilities Construction (1984)
- VAFB-1985-27: Field Notes and Field Maps Compiled During the Union Oil Project Archaeological Surface Survey and Limited Subsurface Testing Done Along the Proposed Routes, Santa Barbara County, CA. (1985)
- VAFB-1986-19: EXXON Lompoc Pipeline Project Supplemental EIR, Technical Appendix C, Cultural Resources (1986)
- VAFB-1988-13: Archaeological Testing Program, SBa-793 and SBa-917, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1988)
- VAFB-1988-14: Historic Preservation Plan, San Antonio Terrace National Register District, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1988)
- VAFB-1989-20: Case Report, Minuteman Launch Support System Upgrade Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1989)
- VAFB-1990-13: Waste Water Treatment Plant Archaeological Testing for Effects at SBA-793, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1990)
- VAFB-1990-21: Archaeological Investigations on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Connection with the Development of Space Transportation System Facilities, Volume I (1990)
- VAFB-1991-02: Supplementary Report to Waste Water Treatment Plant Archaeological Testing for Effects at SBA-793, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara, California (1991)
- VAFB-2014-06: Identification of Historic Properties And Assessment of Adverse Effects N5, N9, N10 Feeder Lines Replacement Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2014)
- VAFB-2017-19: Identification of Historic Properties, B10 Feeder Lines Replacement, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
- VAFB-2017-20: Determination of No Adverse Effect, Replacement of Damaged Circuit N6 Electrical Poles, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
- VAFB-2017-21: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects, Remediating Contaminated Groundwater at Site SD015, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
- VAFB-2017-22: Archaeological Study for the Proposed Perimeter Civil Structure, Space Launch Complex 4E, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2017)
- VAFB-2019-04: Archaeological Investigations Supporting Section 106 Compliance for the Narlon Bridge Replacement Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2019)
- VAFB-2020-23: Section 110 National Register Eligibility Evaluation of The Point Conception Light Station Historic District, Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2020)
- VAFB-2020-24: Identification of Historic Properties, Facility 1430 ATV Obstacle Course Improvements Project (Lot ID # 1047327), Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2020)
- VAFB-2020-25: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects, Honda Culverts Repair Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2020)
- Volume II: Site Records, Range Improvement Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (1981)