The Deem Hills Chert & Chalcedony Quarry, AZ T:8:8(PGM), in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona

Author(s): K. J. Schroeder

Year: 2005


The Deem Hills Chert & Chalcedony Quarry, AZ T:8:8(PGM), is located in the Deem Hills of northwestern Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The site is a prehistoric quarry, exhibiting the exploitation patterns of chert and chalcedony toolstone by the prehistoric populations that first entered the foothills area west, northwest, north, northeast, and east of the Lower Salt River Valley (LSRV) This area is known as the Northern Periphery.

The historical background of the site’s discovery is first provided followed by a description of the toolstone characteristics. This is followed by a description of the methodology used in recording the site, and the research domains that governed the research. The results of the survey follow, and the research domains are then addressed. Finally, a brief synthesis concludes the report. Ail of the effort to record the site was provided pro bono by Roadrunner Archaeology & Consulting, Tempe, Arizona (Arizona Antiquities Act Permit 2005 - 054bl).

Cite this Record

The Deem Hills Chert & Chalcedony Quarry, AZ T:8:8(PGM), in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. K. J. Schroeder. 2005 ( tDAR id: 446736) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8446736

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.16; min lat: 33.717 ; max long: -112.108; max lat: 33.743 ;

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Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Submitted To(s): City of Phoenix; Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Phoenix, Arizona

Record Identifiers

Arizona Antiquities Act Permit(s): 2005-054bl

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COP-720_OCR_PDFA.pdf 26.73mb Jul 1, 2005 Sep 6, 2018 1:26:24 PM Confidential
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