Instructor, Boss, Mentor and Friend: The Multi-Talented Dr. Loendorf

Author(s): Jeani Borchert

Year: 2019


This is an abstract from the "The Art and Archaeology of the West: Papers in Honor of Lawrence L. Loendorf" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

I was a college student in elementary education when I was inspired by the enthusiasm of an instructor in a class I took for fun: Intro to Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. It changed the course of my life. Larry’s contributions to our field are enormous and varied as he is a man of intellectual curiosity, vision, drive, daring, and humanity. I highlight some of his research that I have been involved in or became aware of through the years. This includes the study of buttes in western ND, the beginnings of UNDAR-West, his work in the Pryor Mountains, recording/nominating the Knife River Flint Quarry District to the National Register, and his work at Pinion Canyon Maneuver Site in SE Colorado. I also focus on some of the other projects Larry has done in ND including a rock art site that he recorded with Signe Snortland in 1986 to a site mentioned in a 1924 manuscript and recorded by Larry in 1986. Large and small wherever I look I see evidence of his career and the students he helped along the way.

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Instructor, Boss, Mentor and Friend: The Multi-Talented Dr. Loendorf. Jeani Borchert. Presented at The 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, NM. 2019 ( tDAR id: 451153)


Rock Art Survey

Geographic Keywords
North America: Great Plains

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 23395