Integrating Cultural Heritage into the work of The Ocean Foundation (TOF)

Author(s): Mark Spalding

Year: 2021


This is an abstract from the session entitled "Integrating Cultural Heritage Into The Work Of The Ocean Foundation" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

The Ocean Foundation (TOF) is an international community foundation based in Washington D.C., established in 2002. As the only community foundation for the ocean, its mission is to support, strengthen, and promote organizations dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world. This talk will provide an overview on the threat to UCH from seafloor cables, seabed mining, wind farm installations, or oil & gas extraction. We will also review TOF’s concerns about potentially leaking wrecks as a threat to the natural environment. Thus, following onto the 1972 World Heritage Convention (WHC) that was the first international law recognizing special places for the significance or “outstanding universal value” of both natural and cultural heritage, we will make the point that integration of UCH into The Ocean Foundation’s mission sets it apart from most non-profits that generally focus on natural or cultural heritage.

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Integrating Cultural Heritage into the work of The Ocean Foundation (TOF). Mark Spalding. 2021 ( tDAR id: 459298)


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