ROI021, Archaeological Investigations of the Upper Big Blue River Glacial Sluiceway


An archaeological survey of the Upper Big Blue River Glacial Sluiceway was conducted under a Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund survey and Planning Grant ad ministered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology with matching funds supplied by Ball State University. The goals of this project were to 1) identify a sample of the resources within the region, 2) accumulate data pertinent to the nomination of a New Castle Archaeological District, 3) contribute to the refinement of settlement models, and 4) establish working relationships with officials at the Wilbur Wright Fish and Wildlife Area, the Henry County Historical Society and local collectors.

A total of 229 sites were recorded during this survey bringing the total number of sites known within the study area to 260. Early Paleo-Indian through Late Woodland components were identified, with the most extensive utilization of the area seemingly occurring during the Early and Late Archaic and Late Woodland periods.

Significant distinctions were noted between environmental edge and non-edge zones. This data will enhance currently utilized sampling strata so that more refined settlement models might be produced.

Archaeological reconnaissance of portions of the Wilbur Wright Fish and Wildlife Area and an intensive collection of the Van Nuys Site yielded data critical to the nomination of a New Castle Archaeological District.

Cooperative efforts between archaeologists from Ball State University and officials of the Wilbur Wright Fish and Wildlife Area, the Henry County Historical Society, and local collectors during various phases of this report initiated relationships which should be beneficial to all parties, particularly in the areas of site preservation, public education, and the symbiotic existence of professionals and amateurs.

3D models of the artifacts recovered from Report of Investigations 021, Archaeological Investigations of the Upper Big Blue River Glacial Sluiceway, can be viewed using the following link:

Cite this Record

ROI021, Archaeological Investigations of the Upper Big Blue River Glacial Sluiceway. Frank Burkett, Ronald Hicks. 1986 ( tDAR id: 463938) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463938

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Adena Albee Allison LaMotte BIG SANDY PHASE Bluegrass Clovis CUMBERLAND Dalton Early Archaic Early Paleoindian Early Woodland French Lick Phase Glacial Kame Havana Historic Jerger Phase KIRK Late Archaic Late Paleoindian Late Woodland Lost Lake Mann Maple Creek Phase Middle Archaic Middle Woodland Newtown PaleoIndian Prehistoric QUAD Red Ocher Riverton Scioto THEBES Unidentified Prehistoric Show More

Ceramic Chipped Stone Fauna Fire Cracked Rock Metal Shell Wood

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -85.639; min lat: 39.45 ; max long: -85.221; max lat: 40.377 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 021

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
ROI021-PDF-OCR.pdf 81.03mb Aug 21, 2024 12:43:02 PM Confidential
ROI021-PDF-OCR-Marked_Redacted.pdf 47.56mb Aug 21, 2024 12:43:02 PM Public