ROI034, 1988 Excavations at Mounds State Park

Author(s): Beth Kolbe

Year: 1992


Ball State University conducted an archaeological field school at Mounds State Park in 1988. The field school contined the work inititated by the 1987 field school and included test excavations at an apparent gateway focal point, at three earthworks and re-excavation of a feature. A contour map of one earthwork and a map of the southern enclosure complex were also generated.

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ROI034, 1988 Excavations at Mounds State Park. Beth Kolbe. 1992 ( tDAR id: 463959) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463959

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -85.861; min lat: 39.944 ; max long: -85.58; max lat: 40.379 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 034

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