Test Excavations at Sites LA 59150, LA 59151, and LA 59152, in the Red Rio Bombing Range, Socorro County, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico

Part of the Holloman Air Force Base Resources project

Year: 1994


The U.S. Department of the Air Force, Holloman Air Force Base, currently uses the Red Rio Bombing Range within the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range for aircraft ordnance training and testing. Archaeological surveys have identified numerous prehistoric archaeological sites in the Red Rio target area that are potentially eligible to the National Register of Historic Places. Three of these previously recorded sites are within the area of potential impact and may be subject to adverse effects from Air Force activities. One of these sites has already been disturbed by accidental ordnance impacts.

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Test Excavations at Sites LA 59150, LA 59151, and LA 59152, in the Red Rio Bombing Range, Socorro County, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. 1994 ( tDAR id: 488888) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8488888

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Contact(s): Holloman Air Force Base CR Manager

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HAFB Report No.(s): 1993-022

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Contact(s): Holloman Air Force Base CR Manager