Geographic Information Systems and Prehistoric Cultural Resources of the Melrose Air Force Range

Part of the Melrose Air Force Range Resources project

Year: 1995


In fall of 1995. work commenced on the construction of a Geographic Information J360 System (GIS) for the Melrose Air Force Range. The project used ldrisi for Windows version 2.0 to combine archaeological and environmental data in a holistic analysis of prehistoric sites. This allowed researchers to store, query and display data and also to test a proposed empirical model of site distribution. Data exploration and statistical analyses of prehistoric sites associations with environmental variables allowed the production of site probability and site visibility maps (1). These maps were designed as a user-friendly tool to help manage the prehistoric cultural resources of the Melrose Air Force Range.

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Geographic Information Systems and Prehistoric Cultural Resources of the Melrose Air Force Range. 1995 ( tDAR id: 489368) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8489368

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager