Dating Islamic Ceramics from Nәsiri Kolat and Şәğolhoni


This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

The mortuary site Nәsiri Kolat in the Lerik region of Azerbaijan was occupied from the Antik through the Middle Islamic Periods (11th-16th centuries), a fact further supported when the site is considered with the midden site Şәğolhoni. Ceramic analysis from these sites permit us to better understand how people in the Lerik region interacted with more distant communities. This project dates each site’s occupation based on the style of Islamic ceramics found at Nәsiri Kolat and Şәğolhoni, and creates a stylistic database relevant to ceramics excavated in the region, with specific attention to decorative methods and designs. With images of Lerik ceramics, grey literature, and comparanda drawn from publications, we have built a database of the ceramics, analyzed the stylistic features in each sherd, researched the glazes present, and isolated a chronology of Islamic occupation in Nәsiri Kolat and Şәğolhoni. Though these ceramics are often excavated from disturbed and comingled contexts, these analyses will better researchers’ understanding of the chronology and the kinetic social movement of communities in Central Asia. This work contributes to the rich history of Islamic art in Azerbaijan, and provides further context and texture regarding analysis of Islamic ceramics.

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Dating Islamic Ceramics from Nәsiri Kolat and Şәğolhoni. Kimberly Johnson, Hannah Lau, Lara Fabian, Jeyhun Eminli. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 499699)

Spatial Coverage

min long: 26.191; min lat: 12.211 ; max long: 73.477; max lat: 42.94 ;

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 39542.0