The Presence of Potbelly Sculptures in the Lake Atitlán Basin, Guatemala


This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

The sculptural style known as potbelly (“barrigón”) has been widely documented in archaeological sites in the southern Maya region, from Chiapas to El Salvador, with a few examples in the Lowlands and other areas of Mesoamerica. However, most of these monuments are concentrated in sites occupied during the Late Preclassic period on the Guatemalan Pacific Coast and Piedmont, as well as in Kaminaljuyu. In this paper, data will be presented on the poorly documented, but significant presence of this sculptural style in various areas of the Lake Atitlan Basin, which includes two fortuitous finds made in the year 2022.

The interpretation of the meaning of these sculptures is still a matter of debate among specialists, partly because their characteristics show variations between each region. Therefore, the specimens found to date in the Lake Atitlan Basin provide new data regarding their geographic distribution in the Maya Highlands, their anthropomorphic features, and symbolic and iconographic associations.

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The Presence of Potbelly Sculptures in the Lake Atitlán Basin, Guatemala. Tomas Barrientos, Ernesto Arredondo Leiva, Julia Guernsey, Diego López García. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 499779)

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min long: -94.197; min lat: 14.009 ; max long: -87.737; max lat: 18.021 ;

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Abstract Id(s): 40021.0