VAFB-2000-04: Archaeological Survey of the Azalea and Halloween Wildfire Areas on North Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California


This document is a report detailing an archaeological investigation completed on Vandenberg Space Force Base following two wildfires (Azalea and Halloween wildfires). This effort included a records and literature search at the base and at the Central Coast Information Center of the California Historical Resource Information System at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB); a pedestrian survey of the burned areas; documentation of all previously unknown sites; inspection of previously recorded sites; updated documentation for previously recorded sites where new information was available; and mapping at both newly discovered sites and sites where existing boundaries were found to be incorrect.

This report is a required deliverable that details the results of Applied EarthWorks' survey of the areas burned by the Azalea and Halloween wildfires. Chapter 1 introduces the purpose and scope of the work. Chapter 2 synthesizes the natural and cultural setting of Vandenberg AFB, while Chapter 3 presents the results of the literature and records searches. Chapter 4 details methods used during the survey. Chapter 5 describes the survey results; interpretations of the results as well as management recommendations are presented in Chapter 6. Site records for newly discovered sites are in included in Appendix A. Records documenting isolated artifacts are included in Appendix B and updated site records for previously documented sites are included in Appendix C. Records of photographs taken during the course of the project are contained in Appendix D.

Cite this Record

VAFB-2000-04: Archaeological Survey of the Azalea and Halloween Wildfire Areas on North Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California. Charles M. Hodges, Clayton G. Lebow, Rebecca L. McKim. 2000 ( tDAR id: 501064) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501064

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VAFB-2000-04_ArchaeoSurveyAzaleaAndHalloweenWildfires.pdfa.pdf 7.24mb Aug 23, 2024 12:46:18 PM Confidential

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