Revealing Secrets of the Past: The Archaeology of Hidden Campus Heritage at Stanford

Author(s): Laura Jones

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the session entitled "At Stake in the Quad: Archaeologies on/of Campus", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

Practicing and teaching community-based archaeology on sites associated with the history of the university is a unique opportunity for students to participate in authentic research and as stakeholders of campus heritage. A case study will be presented of the work at the Arboretum Chinese Labor Quarters site on the Stanford campus. The project has a complex network of collaborating scholars and stakeholders and is embedded in transnational discussions of Chinese diaspora historical contributions in North America. The current challenge is to push through the analysis of the assemblage to address these larger questions, and in particular to engage students in retelling the story of the university to highlight the contributions of Chinese immigrants to the building of the campus, and to address discriminatory practices that excluded them from that history to this moment.

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Revealing Secrets of the Past: The Archaeology of Hidden Campus Heritage at Stanford. Laura Jones. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Oakland, California. 2024 ( tDAR id: 501412)

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Contact(s): Nicole Haddow