VAFBM-1989-04: Subject: Archaeological Monitoring WC002, Launch Complex Shop Facility

Author(s): Kevin J. Peter

Year: 1989


This document is a letter report presenting the results of archaeological monitoring for the Launch Complex Shop Facility project. Monitoring of ground disturbing activities revealed: 1) extensive previous disturbance, and 2) a lack of significant archaeological remains within the project area.

Cite this Record

VAFBM-1989-04: Subject: Archaeological Monitoring WC002, Launch Complex Shop Facility. Kevin J. Peter. 1989 ( tDAR id: 54616) ; doi:10.48512/XCV854616

Spatial Coverage

min long: -120.734; min lat: 33.411 ; max long: -118.963; max lat: 35.115 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Vandenberg Air Force Base; Roscoe Loetzerich

Sponsor(s): Kirkham Constructors, Inc.

Prepared By(s): URS Corporation

Record Identifiers

NADB document id number(s): 1381128

NADB citation id number(s): 000000142655


General Note: Sent from: URS Corporation

General Note: Submitted to: Kirkham Constructors, Inc.

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
VAFBM-1989-04_ArchMonitoringWCOO2LaunchComplexShopFacility.pdf 190.70kb Sep 17, 2024 1:31:16 PM Confidential

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Contact(s): Roscoe Loetzerich