Perishable: Plaited Mats AZRU8-2915


Plaited Mats, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2915. Morris FS 5526?. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Collection of matting fragments representing the remains of at least three different mats. Includes several fragments of intricate selvages. Measurements: Not measured. Images: AZRU8-2915 A: fragment of fine 2-2 plaited matting. Note the ends of some elements are untrimmed and extend onto surface of mat. AZRU8-2915 B: detail of end of element lying on surface. AZRU8-2915 C: detail of ends of elements on surface at lower left and upper right. AZRU8-2915 D: coarser 2-2 matting with intricate selvage. AZRU8-2915 E: detail of 3-3 matting. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 193?, Aztec West Ruin. For Room 193 Morris described typical architectural features and “refuse that had been deposited on the second floor, including fragments of a considerable number of very fine medium-sized water jars and mugs that were shattered, possibly intentionally, judging from their number and the fact that they were practically new and of the same potter. Another atypical Chaco water jar had the entire surface completely hidden by a coat of lacquer bearing an elaborate design in yellow, red, and black” (Morris 1928:362).

Reference: Earl Morris, 1928, Notes on Excavations in the Aztec Ruin, Volume XXVI, Part V, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, New York.

Cite this Record

Perishable: Plaited Mats AZRU8-2915. Laurie Webster. 2006. Aztec Ruins National Monument ( tDAR id: 373999) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8FQ9V0K

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1110 to 1140 (Late Chacoan)

Calendar Date: 1140 to 1280 (Post-Chacoan)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -108.038; min lat: 36.803 ; max long: -107.955; max lat: 36.861 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Gary Brown

Contributor(s): Lori Reed; Anne Grulich; Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, NM; Aztec Ruins National Monument

Principal Investigator(s): Laurie Webster

Repository(s): American Museum of Natural History, New York City, NY


Rights & Attribution: Artifact was collected from Aztec West Ruin excavations by Earl Morris between 1916 and 1922. Morris' excavations were sponsored and funded by the American Museum of Natural History, New York.

Rights & Attribution: High resolution images of the item are archived and available to researchers through the National Park Service, Aztec Ruins National Monument.

Rights & Attribution: Publication or use of the image is restricted; permission may be obtained through consultation with American Museum of Natural History and Aztec Ruins National Monument.

Source Collections

Original Item: Property of American Museum of Natural History, New York.

Image: NPS, Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, New Mexico

Original Item: Housed at Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, New Mexico

Related Comparative Collections

Aztec Ruins Collections housed at Hibben Center, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

Aztec Ruins Collections housed at American Museum of Natural History, New York

Aztec Ruins Collections housed at Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, New Mexico

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
azru8-2915-e.jpg 425.03kb Jan 27, 2012 10:45:39 AM Public
azru8-2915-b.jpg 445.08kb Jan 27, 2012 10:45:41 AM Public
azru8-2915-c.jpg 431.70kb Jan 27, 2012 10:45:46 AM Public
azru8-2915-d.jpg 198.97kb Jan 27, 2012 10:45:51 AM Public
azru8-2915-a.jpg 338.68kb Dec 30, 2011 12:23:48 PM Public