Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 17-835B)


This project addresses the role of special schools on U.S. military installations during the Vietnam War, identifies specific installations and resource types associated with special schools during the Vietnam War, and provides a context to evaluate the historical significance of these resources.

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Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 17-835B). ( tDAR id: 459796) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8459796

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Contact(s): OSD Cultural Resources Program

Principal Investigator(s): Jayne Aaron

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-2 of 2)

  • Documents (2)


  1. Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme - Brochure (Legacy 17-835B) (2019)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jayne Aaron.

    This brochure addresses the role of special schools on U.S. military installations during the Vietnam War, identifies specific installations and resource types associated with special schools during the Vietnam War, and provides a context to evaluate the historical significance of these resources.

  2. Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme - Report (Legacy 17-835B) (2019)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jayne Aaron.

    This report addresses the role of special schools on U.S. military installations during the Vietnam War, identifies specific installations and resource types associated with special schools during the Vietnam War, and provides a context to evaluate the historical significance of these resources.