DoD Legacy Resource Management Program Collection
Part of: OSD Cultural Resources Program Collection
In 1990, Congress passed legislation establishing the Legacy Resource Management Program to provide financial assistance to the Department of Defense (DoD) for installation-specific efforts to preserve our natural and cultural heritage. In 1996, the Legacy Resource Management Program was significantly amended by the National Defense Authorization Act, Public Law 104-201, Section 2694 of title 10 to focus on DoD-wide national and regional projects. The program assists DoD in protecting and enhancing resources while enabling military readiness. A Legacy project may involve regional ecosystem management initiatives, habitat preservation efforts, archaeological investigations, invasive species control, Native American consultations, and/or monitoring and predicting migratory patterns of birds and animals.
Three principles guide the Legacy program: stewardship, leadership, and partnership. Stewardship initiatives assist DoD in safeguarding its irreplaceable resources for future generations. By embracing a leadership role as part of the program, the Department serves as a model for respectful use of natural and cultural resources. Through partnerships, the program strives to access the knowledge and talents of individuals outside of DoD.
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Site Name Keywords
14GE0170 •
14RY2117 •
14RY2136 •
14RY2138 •
14RY2140 •
47MO286 •
47MO465 •
47MO704 •
47MO848 •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Water-Related •
Shipwreck •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Submerged Aircraft •
Rock Art •
Cemetery •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Other Keywords
Department of Defense •
Historic Context •
Cultural Resources Management •
Cultural Resources •
military installations •
National Historic Preservation Act •
National Register of Historic Places •
Archaeological Sites •
Archaeology •
Historic Buildings
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Prehistoric •
PaleoIndian •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Historic Background Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Archaeological Overview •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Stewardship Monitoring •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Environment Research
Material Types
Metal •
Ceramic •
Wood •
Glass •
Building Materials •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Fauna •
Textile •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
19th Century •
20th Century •
World War II •
Cold War •
Vietnam War •
Early-Mid 20th Century •
Prehistoric •
Civil War •
18th Century •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
United States •
Virginia (State / Territory) •
District of Columbia (State / Territory) •
South Carolina (State / Territory) •
North Carolina (State / Territory) •
New York (State / Territory) •
Delaware (State / Territory)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 345)
2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop Proceedings (Legacy 06-294)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project resulted in the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop - Agenda (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
An agenda showing the proceedings of a 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop Proceedings - Report (Legacy 06-294) (2007)
A report on the proceedings of a 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
Perspectives in Identification and Evaluation of Cultural Resources - Paper and Presentation (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
A paper on cultural resources identification and evaluation presented at the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
Perspectives in Knowledge Management - Paper and Presentation (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
A paper on integrating GIS and GPS technologies into cultural resource management strategies presented at the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
Perspectives in Landscapes - Paper (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
A paper on cultural landscapes and DoD presented at the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
Perspectives in Management - Paper (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
A paper on installation level cultural resources management presented at the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
Perspectives in Mitigation/Treatment - Presentation (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
A presentation on cultural resources mitigation and treatment presented at the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
Perspectives in Recent History - Paper (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
A paper on the preservation of Cold War-era cultural resources presented at the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
Perspectives in Traditional Cultural Properties - Presentation (Legacy 06-294) (2006)
A presentation on traditional cultural properties presented at the 2006 DoD Cultural Resources Workshop.
2008 DoD Historic Building Conference (Legacy 08-387)
The 2008 DoD Historic Buildings Conference focused specifically on historic buildings and structures, based on DoD mission needs and feedback from the greater DoD cultural resource community.
2008 DoD Historic Building Conference After-action Report - Report (Legacy 08-387) (2008)
An after-action report for the 2008 DoD Historic Buildings Conference, which focused specifically on historic buildings and structures, based on DoD mission needs and feedback from the greater DoD cultural resource community.
20th-Century Building Materials and Suitable Substitutes for Exterior Finishes and Roofs (Legacy 15-707)
PROJECT Uploaded by: McKenna McMahon
This project investigated problem areas associated with repair or in-kind replacement of exterior materials and addresses possible suitable substitute materials.
20th-Century Building Materials and Suitable Substitutes for Exterior Finishes and Roofs - Report (Legacy 15-707) (2017)
This report describes a project that investigated problem areas associated with repair or in-kind replacement of exterior materials and addresses possible suitable substitute materials. This report also presents the history of each material, identifying its unique characteristics and special circumstances that led to its development. When an adverse effect cannot be avoided, it is the intent of this report to utilize the history presented to prepare mitigation documentation. The aim of this...
20th-Century Building Materials and Suitable Substitutes for Exterior Finishes and Roofs - Tech Note (Legacy 15-707) (2017)
This technical note resulted from a project that investigated problem areas associated with repair or in-kind replacement of exterior materials and addresses possible suitable substitute materials.
20th-Century Building Materials and Suitable Substitutes: Windows Visual Guide (Legacy 13-707)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
The project created a visual guide to steel and corrugated wire windows and glass block, providing construction methods and contexts of popular use. The guide is intended to assist in the research, interpretation, and possible future mitigation
20th-Century Building Materials and Suitable Substitutes: Windows Visual Guide - Guide (Legacy 13-707) (2014)
The document is a visual guide to steel and corrugated wire windows and glass block, providing construction methods and contexts of popular use. The guide is intended to assist in the research, interpretation, and possible future mitigation.
Technical Note 13-707: 20th-Century Building Materials and Suitable Substitutes - Windows - Report (Legacy 13-707) (2014)
This document discusses suitable substitutes for 20th-century window types identified as character-defining features of historic 20th-century DoD buildings. This tool will assist DoD CRMs, facility planners, architects, and engineers responsible for the maintenance and repair of historic 20th-century buildings in complying with Section 106 of the NHPA.
After the Smoke Clears: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Assessing the Effect of Wildland Fires on Traditional Cultural Properties (Legacy 07-370)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report describes the authors' efforts to assist Cultural Resource Managers in evaluating damage and taking proactive measures to prevent damage to Traditional Cultural Properties in wildfire events. During a 2007 collaborative symposium, it was determined what procedures to incorporate prior to, during, and after a wildland fire event.
After the Smoke Clears: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Assessing the Effect of Wildland Fires on Traditional Cultural Properties - Report (Legacy 07-370) (2008)
This report describes the authors' efforts to assist Cultural Resource Managers in evaluating damage and taking proactive measures to prevent damage to Traditional Cultural Properties in wildfire events. During a 2007 collaborative symposium, it was determined what procedures to incorporate prior to, during, and after a wildland fire event.
Airplanes, Combat and Maintenance Crews, and Air Bases: The WWII and Early Cold War Architectural Legacy of Hollman Air Force Base 1942-1962 (Legacy 93-0786)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report on a demonstration project identifies and documents historic buildings on Hollman AFB-administered lands, with a focus on properties constructed during WWII and a number of unique facilities associated with early Cold War missile development.
Airplanes, Combat and Maintenance Crews, and Air Bases: The WWII and Early Cold War Architectural Legacy of Hollman Air Force Base 1942-1962 - Report (Legacy 93-0786) (1998)
This report on a demonstration project identifies and documents historic buildings on Hollman AFB-administered lands, with a focus on properties constructed during WWII and a number of unique facilities associated with early Cold War missile development.
Antiterrorism Measures for Historic Properties (Legacy 03-176)
The objectives of this study were to: identify common circumstances in which Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01 undertakings for minimum antiterrorism (AT) standards for DoD building will conflict with the requirements of the NHPA, and; develop specific guidelines that will help installation command, AT, cultural resources, and facilities personnel to rapidly resolve those conflicts in a way that satisfies both sets of requirements.
Antiterrorism Measures for Historic Properties - Report (Legacy 03-176) (2006)
The objectives of this study were to: identify common circumstances in which Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01 undertakings for minimum antiterrorism (AT) standards for DoD building will conflict with the requirements of the NHPA, and; develop specific guidelines that will help installation command, AT, cultural resources, and facilities personnel to rapidly resolve those conflicts in a way that satisfies both sets of requirements.
Archaeological Collection Sampling and Discard Protocols (Legacy 16-789)
This project developed guidance on how to slow the growth in volume of materials requiring long-term curation and allow for future efficient management of collections of undetermined, little or no research potential. Guidance is given to relate collection management plans to associated project research designs. These guidelines should be distributed to DoD cultural resources subject matter experts and cultural resources managers for implementation. The best practices presented would be...
Archaeological Collection Sampling and Discard Protocols - Report (Legacy 16-789) (2018)
This report provides guidance on how to slow the growth in volume of materials requiring long-term curation and allow for future efficient management of collections of undetermined, little or no research potential.
Archaeological Collections and Curation Facilities Assessment (Legacy 92-0304)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project resulted in curation needs assessments of western U.S. Department of Defense military installations.
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment for Fort Irwin, Naval Air Station, North Island, Edwards Air Force Base, and Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms - Report (Legacy 92-0304) (1997)
The U.S, Army Corps of Engineers - St. Louis District inspected all archaeological materials and associated records in the care of NAS North Island, Edwards AFB, Fort Irwin, and MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, as well as the private and university repositories they use. The inspection found widespread deterioration and neglect of many of the Army, Air Force, and Navy's archaeological collections.
Archaeological Curation Needs Assessments for Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Fort Gordon, Georgia, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, California, and Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, California (1993)
This curation needs assessment study of five installations found that, of the collections stored at 20+ repositories, only three meet the minimum Federal standards as described in 36 CFR Part 79.
Archaeological Curation-Needs Assessment for Fort Lewis, Washington and California Installations - Report (Legacy 92-0304) (1996)
This document reports on a curation needs assessment of 11 facilities in the western U.S. At least 50% of the collections were found to require complete rehabilitation to comply with 36 CFR Part 79.
Archaeological Collections Management Procedures (Legacy 06-319)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This guidance document for archaeological collections management and curation for Department of Defense Service installations gives an overview of current collection management policies and procedures and presents best practices in each area of curation. The recommended policies and practices are designed to minimize costs while maximizing the research, education, and cultural heritage value of Federal collections in accordance with 36 CFR Part 79, Curation of Federally Owned and Administered...
Archaeological Collections Management Procedures - Report (Legacy 06-319) (2010)
This guidance document for archaeological collections management and curation for Department of Defense Service installations gives an overview of current collection management policies and procedures and presents best practices in each area of curation. The recommended policies and practices are designed to minimize costs while maximizing the research, education, and cultural heritage value of Federal collections in accordance with 36 CFR Part 79, Curation of Federally Owned and Administered...
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment [Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Virginia, and Maryland] (Legacy 94-0343)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This document reports on a survey of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of 18 military installations located in Idaho, Maryland, Montana, Virginia, and Wyoming. The study found that most collections require at least partial rehabilitation to comply with 36 CFR Part 79, Curation of Federally-Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections.
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment [Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Virginia, and Maryland] (Legacy 94-0343) (1999)
This document reports on a survey of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of 18 military installations located in Idaho, Maryland, Montana, Virginia, and Wyoming. The study found that most collections require at least partial rehabilitation to comply with 36 CFR Part 79, Curation of Federally-Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections.
Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment for Army National Guard Collections in the Western United States (Legacy 99-1876)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This document reports on a curation needs assessment conducted 1997-2000 for the Army National Guard and select Air National Guard, Air Force Plants, and Air and Army Reserve facilities in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam. Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment for Army National Guard Collections in the Western United States - Report (Legacy 99-1876) (2000)
This document reports on a curation needs assessment conducted 1997-2000 for the Army National Guard and select Air National Guard, Air Force Plants, and Air and Army Reserve facilities in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam. Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment for the U.S. Navy, Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (Legacy 99-1819)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This document reports an assessment of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of LANTDIV (North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Virginia, and West Virginia). Most collections required at least partial rehabilitation to comply with federal regulations.
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment for the U.S. Navy, Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command - Report (Legacy 99-1819) (1999)
This document reports an assessment of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of LANTDIV (North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Virginia, and West Virginia). Most collections required at least partial rehabilitation to comply with federal regulations.
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment of Military Installations in Select Western States (Legacy 97-0076)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This assessment reviewed all active military installations in Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and the District of Columbia (86 facilities, including research firms, public and private museums, military installations, university lab/curation facilities, and government agencies). The document presents recommendations for compliance with 36 CFR Part 79.
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment of Military Installations in Select Western States - Report (Legacy 97-0076) (2000)
This assessment reviewed all active military installations in Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and the District of Columbia (86 facilities, including research firms, public and private museums, military installations, university lab/curation facilities, and government agencies). The document presents recommendations for compliance with 36 CFR Part 79.
Archaeological Investigation and Remote Operated Vehicle Documentation: Confederate Commerce Raider CSS Alabama (Legacy 02-109)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report presents a discussion of the diving operations, artifact recovery, and imaging of the CSS Alabama conducted in French waters in 2002. Efforts were hampered by technical and weather difficulties.
Archaeological Investigation and Remote Operated Vehicle Documentation: Confederate Commerce Raider CSS Alabama - Report (Legacy 02-109) (2004)
This report presents a discussion of the diving operations, artifact recovery, and imaging of the CSS Alabama conducted in French waters in 2002. Efforts were hampered by technical and weather difficulties.
Archaeological Remote Sensing Survey of Operation Neptune: The D-Day Landings at Omaha and Utah Beaches, Normandy, France (Legacy 01-131)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report discusses a 3-year remote sensing survey off the Normandy coast to obtain additional information on U.S. naval losses during Operation Neptune. The Navy History Center will use this data to create a cultural resources management planning document and gain future research baseline data to evaluate site significance.
Archaeological Remote Sensing Survey of Operation Neptune: The D-Day Landings at Omaha and Utah Beaches, Normandy, France - Report (Legacy 01-131) (2002)
This report discusses a 3-year remote sensing survey off the Normandy coast to obtain additional information on U.S. naval losses during Operation Neptune. The Navy History Center will use this data to create a cultural resources management planning document and gain future research baseline data to evaluate site significance.
Archaeology and Bioarchaeology of the United States (Legacy 94-0008)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project resulted in various studies of archaeology and bioarchaeology throughout the United States.
Archaeology and Bioarchaeology of the Northern Woodlands - Report (Legacy 94-0008) (1997)
This overview study is intended to provide a summary of what is known about the archaeology of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota as an aid to CRMs. After reviewing the physical setting, culture history, and bioarchaeology of the region by state, a final integrative chapter proposes a series of adaptation types which crosscut traditional political and temporal boundaries.
Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Central Great Plains - Report (Legacy 94-0008) (1996)
This report is a review of the 12,000 years of human occupation in the Northwestern Great Plains states of Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Synthesis of the archaeological and bioarchaeological resources under the guise of human adaptation types revealed significant gaps that should be addressed by future research.
Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Central Great Plains - Report (Legacy 94-0008) (1996)
This report provides a summary of the current and past environments of northern Kansas, Nebraska, and northeast Colorado (the Central Great Plains), providing a framework within which to review and discuss changes in prehistoric and historic subsistence economies, technologies, mobility/sedentism, organization, and group interactions. A traditional cultural historical summary is provided for the region from about 20,000 years ago to the historic period.
The Architecture of the Department of Defense - A Military Style Guide (Legacy 10-129)
This project chronicles the evolution of military architectural styles and provides guidance for their identification.
The Architecture of the Department of Defense - A Military Style Guide - Report (Legacy 10-129) (2011)
This report chronicles the evolution of military architectural styles and provides guidance for their identification.
Assessing Cultural Resources on U.S. Military Installations through the Application of Criterion B (Legacy 10-347)
This project created guidance on the use of Criterion B eligibility under the NRHP including methods for identification of properties that may be listed under Criterion B, and guidelines to assess a property's significance under Criterion B through a written history. A case study from Marine Corps Base Quantico, management recommendations, and five principles to guide mitigation measures for adverse effects to properties eligible under Criterion B are included.
Assessing Cultural Resources on U.S. Military Installations through the Application of Criterion B - Report (Legacy 10-347) (2011)
This document offers guidance on the use of Criterion B eligibility under the NRHP including methods for identification of properties that may be listed under Criterion B, and guidelines to assess a property's significance under Criterion B through a written history. A case study from Marine Corps Base Quantico, management recommendations, and five principles to guide mitigation measures for adverse effects to properties eligible under Criterion B are included.
Assessing the Quality of In-field Archaeological Artifact Analyses (Legacy 11-157)
This project reviews the validity of the assumptions made when, for the sake of conserving funding and curation space, in-field artifact analysis is used over lab analysis of artifacts in western states. Because test results showed that in-field and digital photo analyses of artifacts are of low accuracy and often inadequate for site interpretation, a set of recommendations is made for deciding how and in what situations field analysis is best applied.
The Accuracy and Adequacy of In-Field Artifact Analysis: An Experimental Test - Summary (Legacy 11-157) (2013)
This summarizes a report that discusses the validity of the assumptions made when, for the sake of conserving funding and curation space, in-field artifact analysis is used over lab analysis of artifacts in western states.
An Experimental Test of the Accuracy and Adequacy of In-Field Artifact Analysis - Report (Legacy 11-157) (2013)
This report discusses the validity of the assumptions made when, for the sake of conserving funding and curation space, in-field artifact analysis is used over lab analysis of artifacts in western states. Because test results showed that in-field and digital photo analyses of artifacts are of low accuracy and often inadequate for site interpretation, a set of recommendations is made for deciding how and in what situations field analysis is best applied.
An Assessment of Archaeological Data Quality (Legacy 07-353)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This pilot study explores issues involved in the quality of archaeological data used by the Department of Defense to comply with Federal statutes and regulations. The goal was to determine the potential value and benefit of establishing key quality indicators for archaeological data by examining the statistical implications of current approaches to finding and defining archaeological sites and the effects of these approaches on data quality.
An Assessment of Archaeological Data Quality - Report (Legacy 07-353) (2008)
This pilot study explores issues involved in the quality of archaeological data used by the Department of Defense to comply with Federal statutes and regulations. The goal was to determine the potential value and benefit of establishing key quality indicators for archaeological data by examining the statistical implications of current approaches to finding and defining archaeological sites and the effects of these approaches on data quality.
The Beartail Rockshelter Legacy Project (Legacy 95-0597)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report describes excavations over three seasons at Beartail Rockshelter at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, including the natural and cultural history of the region with an emphasis on the late Pleistocene and early Holocene environmental and cultural setting for the area; a review and discussion of the material remains recovered from the excavations; discussion of several special analyses including palynological study, radiocarbon dating, and geomorphological analysis of site sediments; and...
The Beartail Rockshelter Legacy Project - Report (Legacy 95-0597) (1997)
This report describes excavations over three seasons at Beartail Rockshelter at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, including the natural and cultural history of the region with an emphasis on the late Pleistocene and early Holocene environmental and cultural setting for the area; a review and discussion of the material remains recovered from the excavations; discussion of several special analyses including palynological study, radiocarbon dating, and geomorphological analysis of site sediments; and...
Best Practices: Managing Traditional Resources on Department of Defense Lands (Legacy 08-406)
This document contains recommended best practices for the identification, evaluation, and management of natural resources important to tribes that are located on DoD lands. The afterword is a case study from the tribal perspective, Nellis Air Force Base Indian Program
Best Practices: Managing Traditional Resources on Department of Defense Lands - Report (Legacy 08-406) (2012)
This document contains recommended best practices for the identification, evaluation, and management of natural resources important to tribes that are located on DoD lands. The afterword is a case study from the tribal perspective, Nellis Air Force Base Indian Program.
Blueprints for the Citizen Soldier: A National Historic Context Study of United States Army Reserve Centers (Legacy 06-295)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report examines the history and development of the U.S. Army Reserve by telling the story of the Army Reserve through the buildings and facilities associated with training activities at Army Reserve Centers throughout the nation.
Blueprints for the Citizen Soldier: A National Historic Context Study of United States Army Reserve Centers - Report (Legacy 06-295) (2008)
This report examines the history and development of the U.S. Army Reserve by telling the story of the Army Reserve through the buildings and facilities associated with training activities at Army Reserve Centers throughout the nation.
The Built Environment of Cold War Era Servicewomen (Legacy 05-194)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This study examines the history and evolution of the built environment of Cold War era servicewomen to provide a historic context for use in identifying and evaluating aspects of historic buildings, landscapes, and properties associated with Cold War Era servicewomen that may be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
The Built Environment of Cold War Era Servicewomen - Report (Legacy 05-194) (2006)
This study examines the history and evolution of the built environment of Cold War era servicewomen to provide a historic context for use in identifying and evaluating aspects of historic buildings, landscapes, and properties associated with Cold War Era servicewomen that may be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are: An Ethnohistorical Study of the African-American Community on the Lands of Yorktown Naval Weapons Station, 1865-1918 (Legacy 92-0067)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This document is a study of an African American community established in the Virginia Tidewater after the Civil War on land that is now the Yorktown Naval Weapons Station, 1865-1919. This study of the "Emancipation" period discusses how African Americans adjusted to and lived with their new freedom (economic and social development, family life, education, religion, and interracial relations).
Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are: An Ethnohistorical Study of the African-American Community on the Lands of Yorktown Naval Weapons Station, 1865-1918 - Report (Legacy 92-0067) (1992)
This document is a study of an African American community established in the Virginia Tidewater after the Civil War on land that is now the Yorktown Naval Weapons Station, 1865-1919. This study of the "Emancipation" period discusses how African Americans adjusted to and lived with their new freedom (economic and social development, family life, education, religion, and interracial relations).
Cold War Needs Assessment (Legacy 98-1754)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This document is an agency-wide DoD framework for evaluating Cold War properties by reviewing methods used in 11 completed interservice Cold War building and structure evaluations.
Cold War Needs Assessment - Report (Legacy 98-1754) (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This document is an agency-wide DoD framework for evaluating Cold War properties by reviewing methods used in 11 completed interservice Cold War building and structure evaluations.
Coming in from the Cold: Military Heritage in the Cold War (Legacy 92-TA0010)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
The report describes projects to survey, document, and preserve Cold War resources and provides a general typology of Cold War resources.
Coming in from the Cold: Military Heritage in the Cold War - Report (Legacy 92-TA0010) (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
The report describes projects to survey, document, and preserve Cold War resources and provides a general typology of Cold War resources.
Commander's Guide to Archaeological Curation (Legacy 00-107)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This workbook is intended for use by installation personnel with limited personnel for archaeological collection care but who have responsibilities for the long-term care of these collections. This document is intended as an easy-to-understand "roadmap" on installation responsibilities under the law and procedures for curating archaeological collections.
Commander's Guide to Archaeological Curation - Presentation (Legacy 00-107) (2005)
This presentation is about a guide intended for use by installation personnel with limited personnel for archaeological collection care but who have responsibilities for the long-term care of these collections.
Commander's Guide to Archaeological Curation - Workbook (Legacy 00-107) (2005)
This workbook is intended for use by installation personnel with limited personnel for archaeological collection care but who have responsibilities for the long-term care of these collections. This document is intended as an easy-to-understand "roadmap" on installation responsibilities under the law and procedures for curating archaeological collections.
Conservation of H.L. Hunley and its Associated Artifacts (Legacy 05-106)
This report describes work performed in 2005 to assess corrosion of the submarine's hull, which led to the expansion of the H.L. Hunley's cathodic protection system to the interior of the submarine's ballast tanks. A significant number of complex and fragile artifacts associated with the Hunley were conserved.
Conservation of H.L. Hunley and its Associated Artifacts - Report (Legacy 05-106) (2006)
This report describes work performed in 2005 to assess corrosion of the submarine's hull, which led to the expansion of the H.L. Hunley's cathodic protection system to the interior of the submarine's ballast tanks. A significant number of complex and fragile artifacts associated with the Hunley were conserved.
Constructing a Regional Historical Context for Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Archaeology of the North-Central Mojave Desert (Legacy 07-349)
Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake lacks a strong historic context, making difficult the stewardship, Determinations of Eligibility for the National Register, and management of cultural resources, as required by Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act. This project's report is a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency study identifying current data gaps and systematizing data collection to facilitate developing and tailoring future research designs for early site management.
Constructing a Regional Historical Context for Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Archaeology of the North-Central Mojave Desert - Report(Legacy 07-349) (2011)
Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake lacks a strong historic context, making difficult the stewardship, Determinations of Eligibility for the National Register, and management of cultural resources, as required by Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act. This report is a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency study identifying current data gaps and systematizing data collection to facilitate developing and tailoring future research designs for early site management.
The Cultural Resource Manager's Guide to the Engineer's Energy Toolkit (Legacy 11-360)
The Cultural Resources Management (CRM) Guide to the Engineer’s Energy Toolkit was prepared to provide CRMs with the tools to answer preservation challenges he/she may encounter in meeting preservation needs and installation goals when dealing with upgrading a building’s energy efficiency.
The Cultural Resource Manager's Guide to the Engineer's Energy Toolkit - Guide (Legacy 11-360) (2019)
The Cultural Resource Managers' (CRMs) Guide to the Engineer’s Energy Toolkit was prepared to provide CRMs with the tools to answer preservation challenges he/she may encounter in meeting preservation needs and installation goals when dealing with upgrading a building’s energy efficiency.
Cultural Resources Best Management Practices (Legacy 07-365)
This project provides practical information to professionals who are new to the world of DoD Cultural Resources Management, creative ideas to experienced colleagues, and also to members of garrison leadership who may not be familiar with what they should and can expect from a cultural resources program that understands the relationship between stewardship and mission requirements.
Cultural Resources Best Management Practices - Calendar (Legacy 07-365) (2008)
This Heritage Outreach Planning Calendar template was designed for use by DoD installation cultural resources managers.
Cultural Resources Best Management Practices - Guide (Legacy 07-365) (2008)
This project provides practical information to professionals who are new to the world of DoD Cultural Resources Management, creative ideas to experienced colleagues, and also to members of garrison leadership who may not be familiar with what they should and can expect from a cultural resources program that understands the relationship between stewardship and mission requirements.
Cultural Resources Job Descriptions and Position Classification Standards (Legacy 15-713)
This project highlights two objectives: (1) to research and develop new job descriptions for architectural historian, cultural resources manager (CRM), and historic preservationist technician/specialist, and (2) to review the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) current job classifications for architectural historians, historic preservationists, and CRMs and then present a plan to improve the hiring process for those positions by recommending changes and additions to job classifications.
Cultural Resources Job Descriptions and Position Classification Standards - Presentation (Legacy 15-713) (2018)
This presentation describes a project with two objectives: (1) to research and develop new job descriptions for architectural historian, cultural resources manager (CRM), and historic preservationist technician/specialist, and (2) to review the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) current job classifications for architectural historians, historic preservationists, and CRMs and then present a plan to improve the hiring process for those positions by recommending changes and additions to job...
Cultural Resources Job Descriptions and Position Classification Standards - Report (Legacy 15-713) (2018)
This report describes a project with two objectives: (1) to research and develop new job descriptions for architectural historian, cultural resources manager (CRM), and historic preservationist technician/specialist, and (2) to review the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) current job classifications for architectural historians, historic preservationists, and CRMs and then present a plan to improve the hiring process for those positions by recommending changes and additions to job...
Cultural Resources Job Descriptions and Position Classification Standards - Tech Note (Legacy 15-713) (2018)
This technical note describes a project with two objectives: (1) to research and develop new job descriptions for architectural historian, cultural resources manager (CRM), and historic preservationist technician/specialist, and (2) to review the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) current job classifications for architectural historians, historic preservationists, and CRMs and then present a plan to improve the hiring process for those positions by recommending changes and additions to job...
Cultural Resources Public Outreach and Interpretation Source Book (Legacy 10-127)
This project created a guide that collects existing standards, guidance, and best practices on cultural resources interpretation and public outreach and examples of interpretation and public outreach projects. This project developed an evaluation rubric for comparing effectiveness of diverse project types and used that data to develop a source book of best examples and guidance to help DoD components and installations to develop their own creative cultural resources interpretation and public...
Cultural Resources Public Outreach and Interpretation Source Book - Guide (Legacy 10-127) (2011)
This guide collects existing standards, guidance, and best practices on cultural resources interpretation and public outreach and examples of interpretation and public outreach projects. This project developed an evaluation rubric for comparing effectiveness of diverse project types and used that data to develop a source book of best examples and guidance to help DoD components and installations to develop their own creative cultural resources interpretation and public outreach projects.
Cultural Resources Training (Legacy 12-504)
This project developed training for individuals who may encounter cultural resources while conducting military operations.
Archaeology: Cultural Resources Training Pocket Guide - Guide (Legacy 12-504) (2012)
This pocket guide template provides an on-site checklist for archaeological compliance.
Cultural Resource Training for the Non-CRM Professional - Presentation (Legacy 12-504) (2012)
This training module is a guide to individuals who may encounter cultural resources while conducting military operations. The importance of this training module lies in the guidance to 1) identify cultural resources that may be in danger of damage or disturbance and 2) establish a general protocol, in tandem with installation specific directions, to address discovery and impacts to cultural resources. This help guide is directed at the trainer, to provide useful tips in the emphasis of specific...
Training the Cultural Resource Manager - Outreach Poster Template (Legacy 12-504) (2012)
This poster provides a brief overview on the definition of cultural resources.
Training the Cultural Resource Manager - Presentation (Legacy 12-504) (2012)
This presentation is designed to provide a modifiable template to DoD organizations and installations that portray 1) the value of cultural resources, 2) necessary legal drivers, 3) professional contacts and sources and 4) general knowledge and information sources on diverse aspects of cultural resource management.
Department of Defense and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Curation Options Project, Eastern States (Legacy 97-0376)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
Department of Defense archaeological collections generally have not been curated to the standards required by 36 CFR Part 79. This report, based on a study in the eastern United States, identified potential partners, evaluated their capabilities to manage DoD archaeological collections, and collected baseline administrative information associated with such a project.
Department of Defense and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Curation Options Project, Eastern States - Report (Legacy 97-0376) (2001)
Department of Defense archaeological collections generally have not been curated to the standards required by 36 CFR Part 79. This report, based on a study in the eastern United States, identified potential partners, evaluated their capabilities to manage DoD archaeological collections, and collected baseline administrative information associated with such a project.
Department of Defense-Wide Inventory of Rock Art Sites and Assessment of Management Practices (Legacy 11-480)
This project offers guidance for regulatory compliance related to rock art sites, which are different from "dirt" sites, through among other items, an overview of site documentation and treatment approaches; discussion of eligibility determinations; historical context for rock art sites in all 50 states; and the current status of Department of Defense rock art site management.
Desert-wide Cultural Resource protection in the Mojave Desert (Legacy 05-257)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report describes the authors efforts to 1) determine the nature and severity of site protection problems within the Mojave Desert, 2) examine successful site protection programs within the United States, 3) examine the data collected in the first two goals, and 4) summarize the finding and make recommendations regarding the feasibility of developing a regional site protection plan for the Mojave Desert.
Desert-wide Cultural Resource protection in the Mojave Desert - Report (Legacy 05-257) (2006)
This report describes the authors efforts to 1) determine the nature and severity of site protection problems within the Mojave Desert, 2) examine successful site protection programs within the United States, 3) examine the data collected in the first two goals, and 4) summarize the finding and make recommendations regarding the feasibility of developing a regional site protection plan for the Mojave Desert.
Design Guidelines for DoD Historic Buildings and Districts (Legacy 07-382)
This document provides assistance to installation-level staff who are not trained in historic architecture by providing a better understanding of why it is important to preserve the resources, what they are, the vocabulary to describe the resources, and how to interpret the Secretary of the Interior's Standards to appropriately manage the resources. The guidelines provide sound guidance and necessary tools for individuals to facilitate the Section 106 review process of the National Historic...