ROI038, Morell-Sheets: An Albee Phase Habitation


This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 038 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Mitigation of a 25% sample of a portion of the Morell-Sheets site that will be destroyed by the construction of Bridge No. 88, Montgomery County, Indiana revealed a virtually single component Albee Phase habitation site. Portions of the site were plow disturbed, but intact cultural deposits were recovered at the base of the plowzone and in a paleosol. Data recovered included a specialized lithic assemblage, a unique ceramic assemblage and very few bone tools. Features were primarily midden deposits and fire-cracked rock-filled pits. Floral analysis revealed the inhabitants were practicing horticulture supplemented with gathering of wild plants, fruits and nuts. The faunal inventory revealed that deer and turtle were being exploited along with beaver, wapiti, other small mammals and fresh water mussels. The site appears to have been occupied intermittently during the warm parts of the year. Radiocarbon dates from the site place the occupation during the Late Woodland period, from approximately AD 800 to 1200.

3D models of the artifacts recovered from Report of Investigations 038, Morell-Sheets: An Albee Phase Habitation, can be viewed using the following link:

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ROI038, Morell-Sheets: An Albee Phase Habitation. ( tDAR id: 463023) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463023

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -87.091; min lat: 39.866 ; max long: -86.694; max lat: 40.213 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Kevin Nolan; Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University

Contributor(s): Leslie L. Bush; Ronald R. Richards

Principal Investigator(s): Donald R. Cochran

Repository(s): Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University

Prepared By(s): Archaeological Resources Management Service, Ball State University

Submitted To(s): Butler, Fairman and Seufurt, Inc.

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 038

Source Collections

Ball State University Applied Anthropology Laboratories

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  1. 92-21-18-5-13, Pottery Rim (2022)