Alexandria / Spitalfields Faunal Analysis Post 1680


This is a test project that will conduct a comparative analysis of the faunal assemblage found in Alexandria Virginia and Spitalfields London.

Cite this Record

Alexandria / Spitalfields Faunal Analysis Post 1680. ( tDAR id: 6015) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8B56M45



Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-10 of 10)


  1. Alexandria Dataset w/ Translated with New Coding Sheet 04142011 (2011)
  2. Alexandria DB Fish only nutrition, body portion, distribution post 1680 (2011)
  3. Alexandria Fuana
  4. Spitalfields Dataset Translated with New Coding Sheet 04042011 (2011)
  5. Spitalfields DB nutrition, head/body, weight post 1680 (2011)


  1. Alexandria / Spitalfields Faunal Date Ontology
  2. Alexandria/Spitalfields Pre/post 1680 aggregation faunal ontology
  3. NEW Alexandria/Spitalfields Pre/post 1680 aggregation faunal ontology
  4. Spitalfields Period Pre/Post 1680 Aggregate Faunal Data Ontology

Coding Sheets

  1. Alexandria Period Pre/Post 1680 Aggregation Coding Sheet (2011)