The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology
No description specified.
1-50 (5,875 Records)
- $1.87 Each, Four Feet Long and Over; $0.87 Each, Less than Four Feet: A Spatial Analysis of Coffin Type and Coffin Hardware from the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery. (2017)
- 10,000 years of bottle gourds (Lagenaria siceraria): archaeology of the first global crop (2016)
- A 1000-Year Record of Cahokia Region Population Change through Fecal Stanol Biomarker Analysis (2017)
- 13,000 Years of Obsidian Prospecting in Eastern Beringia: A Status Report on Obsidian Source Studies in Alaska and Yukon (2017)
- 1300 years of a Classic Maya ceramic tradition at El Perú-Waka’, Guatemala (2017)
- 14C and Maya Long Count Dates: Refining the Approach to Classic Maya Chronologies (2016)
- 16 by 16 - Forest Service Fire Lookout Restorations in the Rocky Mountain Region (2016)
- 2000 Years of Eating: Continuity and change in food practices among the Puuc Maya (2017)
- 2015 Allendale Chert Quarry Survey: Methods and Preliminary Results (2016)
- 2016 Navy Sunken Military Craft Act Regulations--32 CFR 767 (2016)
- The 2016 Season at El Rayo, Nicaragua: Civic-Ceremonial Structures, Tombs, and Feasting from the Bagaces to Sapoa Transition (2017)
- 25 Years of Digital Archaeology - Updating the Past to Plan for the Future (2016)
- 360 grados. Uso y función de las estructuras circulares de la zona costera de la sierra de Santa Marta, Los Tuxtlas, Ver. (2016)
- 3D Archaeology at MAE/USP (Brazil): Practices and Perspectives (2017)
- 3D Digitization of Spindle Whorls from Pre-Contact Central Mexico (2016)
- 3D Geometric Morphometry of Western Stemmed Projectile Points from the Columbia River Plateau (2016)
- A 3D Method for Measuring Platform Angles on Lithic Flakes (2017)
- 3D Modeling and Virtual Reality for Condition Assessments and Educational Outreach Tools Documenting Rock Art in Little Petroglyph Canyon, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California (2017)
- 3D Modeling the Sites of the Virgin Branch Ancestral Puebloan with Photogrammetry and BIM (2017)
- 3D Visualization and Soundscape Applications that Speak to Community Organizational Change on Luzon, Philippines during Spanish Contact (2016)
- 4,000 years of animal translocations: Mocha Island and its zooarchaeological record (2017)
- 400 Years of History and Cross-cultural Interactions in a Ritually Mounded Landscape of South Tanna, Vanuatu (2017)
- 5500 years of changing crop niches on the Tibetan Plateau (2016)
- 7x105 Dimensions of Pottery: Multivariate Analyses of Pottery Assemblages from the Lower Town Site of Mycenae, Greece (2017)
- The 8.2ka event evidence for human-environment interaction in north-west Atlantic Europe (2016)
- 9,000-year-old cereal meals: new methods for the analysis of charred food remains from Çatalhöyük East (Turkey) (2017)
- A-Maize-ing: Phytolith evidence for an early introduction of maize in the Upper Great Lakes diet (2017)
- Abalone in the Archaeological Record of Barkley Sound (2017)
- Abnormalies of Horse Vertebrae from Xigou Site and Shirenzigou Site in Xinjiang (2017)
- About Face: A Head-On Examination of Pre-Columbian Social Identity (2017)
- Above and Below the Waves: Advances in the Search for a Late Pleistocene Colonization of California’s Islands (2017)
- Absolute Chronology of the Early Formative Revisited: Bayesian Analysis, Radiocarbon Chronology, and the Emergence of Pottery in the Americas (2016)
- Absorbed Residue Evidence of Datura Use in Mississippian Contexts (2017)
- An Abundance of Data: The Opportunities and Constraints of Digital Media Utilization at Fort Snelling National Historic Landmark (2017)
- Accelerating History and Bayesian Models: The Rapid Emergence of Agropastoralism and the Tiwanaku State in the Lake Titicaca Basin, South America (2017)
- Accelerating the "Maddeningly Slow Work of Archaeology" in the Forested Maya Lowlands (2017)
- Acercamiento a las Opciones Técnicas en la Elaboración de Cerámicas Tempranas del Caribe Colombiano: Estudio Tecnológico de los Sitios Puerto Hormiga y Monsú (2016)
- Acheulean Hominin Ecology: Organic Residue on Lithics as Evidence of Plant Processing (2017)
- Acknowledging Anonymous Artists: Examining the Painted Stucco Facade from a temple at Kiuic, Yucatan (2016)
- Acorn Oil Rendering in the Upper Great Lakes (2017)
- Across the River: Romanized Barbarians and Barbarized Romans on the edge of the Empire. Bioarchaeology of Romania in Late Antiquity (300-600 CE) (2016)
- Activist Archaeology and Queer Feminist Critiques in Mesoamerican Archaeology (2017)
- Activity Area Analysis of Elite and Commoner Spaces in the Ancient Maya City of Actuncan, Belize (2016)
- Activity Area Analysis of Terminal Classic period Civic Architecture at Actuncan, Belize (2016)
- Adapting to harsh environment resulting changes in culture that led towards a new perception of the outer world: The birth of the Central European Neolithic (2017)
- Adaptive Cycles and Resilience as explanatory templates for the formulation of coupled climate-culture models (2016)
- Adaptive Dietary Response to Long-Term Drought: Diachronic Stable Isotope Evidence from the Central Sierra Nevada, California (2017)
- Adding Fuel to the Fire: An Ethnoarchaeological study of Fire amongst the Asurini of Xingu, Brazilian Amazon (2016)
- Additional statistical and graphical methods for analyzing artifact orientations and site formation processes from total station proveniences (2017)
- Adolf Bandelier’s 1892-1894 Expedition to the Central Coast of Peru (2017)