U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
No description specified.
Institution Members
1-33 (33 Records)
- 1986 Cultural Resource Inventory of Portions of Lake Oahe, Corson and Dewey Counties, South Dakota (1988)
- Archeological Data Recovery At Midipadi Butte, 32DU2, Dunn County, North Dakota (1982)
- Archeological Excavations At the Travis 2 Site (39WW15), Walworth County, South Dakota, 1989 (1991)
- Archeological Investigations At the Rousseau Site (39HU102), 1978-1979. In Archeological Investigations Within Federal Lands Located On the East Bank of the Lake Sharpe Project Area, South Dakota: 1978-1979, Edited By C. R. Falk (1984)
- Archeological Reconnaissance and Test Excavation At the Jake White Bull Site, 39CO6, Oahe Reservoir, South Dakota (1977)
- Archeological Test Excavations At Eight Sites In the Lake Shape Project Area of Hughes, Lyman, and Stanley Counties, South Dakota, 1987 (1990)
- Collection Management Report, Perry Creek Associated Documentation (2018)
- Crow Creek Site (39BF11) Masssacre: a Preliminary Report (1981)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of Portions of Lake Oahe, Corson County, South Dakota (1987)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of the Left Bank of Lake Oahe: Burleigh and Emmons Counties, North Dakota (1986)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of the Right Bank of Lake Oahe In Morton and Sioux Counties, North Dakota (1987)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Along Portions of Lake Oahe In Stanley and Dewey Counties, South Dakota (1987)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Along the Cheyenne River Arm of Lake Oahe In Dewey, Haakon, Stanley and Ziebach Counties, South Dakota (1988)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance In Dewey County, South Dakota, From Below the Moreau River To the Forest City Recreation Area (1989)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Land Alongside Lake Sakakawea and Audubon Lake In McLean County, North Dakota (1991)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Land Alongside Lake Sakakawea and Audubon Lake McLean County, North Dakota (1992)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Land Alongside Lake Sakakawea In Dunn County, North Dakota (1987)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lands in Dewey County, South Dakota From the Forest City Recreation Area to the Mouth of the Cheyenne River, Volume 1 Main Report (1993)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lands in Dewey County, South Dakota From the Forest City Recreation Area to the Mouth of the Cheyenne River, Volume II Appendices (1993)
- Cultural Resources Inventory of Eastern Portions of Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota (Mercer and McLean Counties) (1982)
- Cultural Resources Inventory of Lands Owned By the Omaha District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Along the Shoreline of Lake Sakakawea, Mercer County, North Dakota (1989)
- Cultural Resources Investigations of the Historic Fort Randall Post Cemetery, Gregory County, South Dakota (1986)
- Evaluation of the Condition of the Travis 2 Archaeological Site, 39WW15, Oahe Reservoir, South Dakota, November 1979 (1980)
- Evaluative Archeological Excavations At Four Sites Along the Right Bank of Lake Francis Case, Lyman County, South Dakota (1991)
- Evaluative Testing of Selected Sites Along the Left Bank of Lake Francis Case, South Dakota (1986)
- Finding Aid, Perry Creek Associated Documentation (2018)
- Letter Report: Survey For Bluestem Lake Shoreline Stabilization (1990)
- Letter Report: Survey For Scribner Levee Construction (1990)
- Phase I Intensive Cultural Resources Inventory of Selected Recreation Areas In the West Portion of Lake Sakakawea, Dunn, McKenzie, Mountrail and Williams Counties, North Dakota (1983)
- Results of the 1987 Archeological Investigations At the Travis 2 Site, 39WW15, Walworth County, South Dakota (1988)
- Summary Report of the Cavalier Air Force Station Tribal Relations Site Visit, Cavalier, North Dakota, September 11, 2018 (2018)
- Summary Report: North Dakota Air Force Regional Tribal Relations Meeting, March 21-22, Grand Forks Air Force Base, Minot Air Force Base, and Cavalier Air Force Station (2018)