Belize (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

3,676-3,700 (4,066 Records)

Through a Smoke Cloud Darkly: The Possible Social Significance of Candeleros in Terminal Classic Naco Valley Society (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Patricia Urban. Edward Schortman. Jacob Griffith-Rosenberger. Reagan Neviska. Chelsea Katzeman.

Candeleros, fired clay artifacts with one to over 20 chambers, are widely distributed across Terminal Classic (AD 800-1000) contexts in the Naco valley of northwestern Honduras. Though reported from other parts of Mesoamerica, little is known about the varied ways this distinctive artifact figured in tasks engaged in by people of diverse ranks and might have been used in negotiating interpersonal transactions. This presentation provides initial responses to these queries based on a functional...

Thule Culture in South Greenland, 1500–1900 (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Nielsen. Christian Koch Madsen. Aka Simonsen. Else Bjerge.

This is an abstract from the "Climate and Heritage in the North Atlantic: Burning Libraries" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In collaboration with the NABO RESPONSE and Activating Arctic Heritage teams, Nunatta Katersugaasivia Allagaateqarfialu (Greenland National Museum and Archives) have intensively surveyed the Uunartoq Fjord, Igaliko Fjord, and Tunilliarfik Fjord, inner and outer fjord systems in South Greenland. The goal was to establish...

Tiempos de cera y miel: Iconografía, ecología y sacralidad de las abejas nativas en el Códice Madrid (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Elena Sotelo Santos.

This is an abstract from the "Adventures in Beekeeping: Recent Studies in Ecology, Archaeology, History, and Ethnography in Yucatán" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. La evidencia escrita más completa sobre el cultivo de abejas en el mundo maya procede del libro jeroglífico prehispánico denominado Códice Tro-Cortesiano. En los almanaques de las abejas que están en las páginas 89b y 103 a la 112 hay abundante información sobre diversos aspectos de la...

Ties to the Ancestors: Examining a Late Classic Household at Las Ruinas de Arenal, Belize (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Madeline Snyder.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. There has been a long history of settlement and household archaeology in the Belize River valley that has added significantly to our understanding of everyday people in the Maya lowlands. Recent studies that include LiDAR provide a broader landscape perspective. LiDAR can also be useful in determining labor investment in domestic architecture through...

Tikal's Missing Carved Wooden Lintel (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Meierhoff.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 1879, the Guatemalan Secretary of Agriculture Salvador Valenzuela saw the damage to the temples of Tikal by the removal of many of its carved wooden lintels, and observed that; “The beams of the doors of these towers, which form the lintels of the doors, were pulled out by a foreign doctor [Gustave Bernoulli] the year before last, and that which time...

A Time before Color: Revisiting the Codex Style (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Doyle.

This is an abstract from the "A Celebration and Critical Assessment of "The Maya Scribe and His World" on its Fiftieth Anniversary" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In “The Maya Scribe and His World”, Michael D. Coe recognized a “Maya artist of enormous distinction” when analyzing the hand of the painter of the codex-style drinking cup now known as the Metropolitan Vase. This presentation is a reexamination of individual hands in the codex style...

The Time the Tikal State Emerged (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Edwin Roman-Ramirez.

This is an abstract from the "La Cuernavilla, Guatemala: A Maya Fortress and Its Environs" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. During the first centuries of the CE, the Maya Lowlands underwent many changes in its political landscape, which were caused by the abandonment of the main Formative centers, including El Palmar, which was the most powerful center in the Buenavista Valley. Taking advantage of these compulsive times, Tikal begins to become the...

Tiwanaku colonization and the great reach west: Preliminary results of the Locumba Archaeological Survey 2015-2016 (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul Goldstein. Matt Sitek.

Locumba represents a key intermediate location for consideration of the timing and affiliation of Tiwanaku colonization of the Moquegua, Sama, Caplina and Azapa valleys. Models of Tiwanaku state colonization, diasporic enclaves, and a "daisy chain" of secondary and tertiary colonization from initial provinces in Moquegua are considered. Ongoing systematic regional survey in the 2015 and 2016 seasons of the Locumba Archaeological Project has defined 74 site sectors, including 16 sectors of...

Tizatl y tizatlalli: el uso de diatomea fósil en el engobe blanco de la cerámica Coyotlatelco en Santa Cruz Atizapán (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Francisco Sanchez.

La utilización de restos de diatomea fósil referida en las fuentes históricas como tizatl o tizatlalli, sin duda, fue una práctica cultural de larga historia en las poblaciones del valle de Toluca. Existe evidencia que nos sugiere la continuidad de una larga tradición cromática desde, por lo menos, hace aproximadamente 3500 años. Esta ponencia se centra fundamentalmente en torno al uso de engobe blanco en los materiales cerámicos Coyotlatelco, procedentes de varios sitios localizados en el...

To Be of Use: Re-examining Army Corps of Engineer's Collections (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sarah Janesko. Alison Shepherd. Grace Gronniger. Kevin Bradley.

The Veterans Curation Program has been rehabilitating U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) collections for long-term preservation since 2009. With the dual goal of training and assisting veterans with their professional goals while also archiving and curating USACE collections, this program ultimately produces high quality digital records and photographs of cultural materials from across the U.S. This paper delves into the value of USACE’s digital collections for continued research, education,...

To build a ship: the VOC replica ship Duyfken (2001)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R Garvey.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

To Build or Not To Build: An Historical Archaeological Examination of Fort Louise Augusta and the Role of Sovereign Perceptions and Interests in the Construction and Maintenance of Danish West Indian Fortifications (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Schumacher. Miriam Belmaker.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Colonies, as discontinuous frontiers, may be more or less integrated into the homeland, resulting in distinct fortification patterns across time. The former Danish West Indies (DWI) was one such discontinuous frontier, separated from Copenhagen by more than 7,500 km yet a key part of the Danish economy. By examining changes and continuities in the...

To Eat, Discard, or Venerate: Faunal Remains as Proxy for Human Behaviors in Lowland Maya Terminal or Problematic Deposits (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chrissina C. Burke. Katie K. Tappan. Gavin B. Wisner. Julie Hoggarth. J. Britt Davis.

Deciphering middens, feasting, ritual, or terminal deposits in the Maya world requires an evaluation of faunal remains. Maya archaeologists have been and continue to evaluate other artifacts classes, but often simply offer NISP values for skeletal elements recovered from these deposits. To further understand their archaeological significance, we analyzed faunal materials from deposits at the sites of Baking Pot and Xunantunich in the Upper Belize River Valley. We identified the species, bone...

“​​To Have Expertise Be Recognized”: Black Women Archaeologists, Obligation, and Archaeological Expertise (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nala Williams.

This is an abstract from the "Beyond Leaky Pipelines: Exploring Gender Inequalities in Archaeological Practice" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, archaeological organizations and universities organized panels to address anti-Black racism in archaeology. These talks and panels relied on Black women’s sense of obligation to better not only the field of archaeology but the climate for Black people in the...

To Love and to Leave or to Never Have Loved at All?: Abandonment Deposits within the Late Classic Maya Palace at Actuncan, Belize (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Taylor Lawhon. David Mixter.

In 2012, excavations were conducted within a Late Classic noble palace at the ancient Maya site of Actuncan, located in western Belize. Remains of a large deposit of Terminal Classic materials were recovered from a corner of the palace’s primary courtyard. Based on its location on the courtyard surface and below collapse, the deposit was assumed to date to the period of the palace’s abandonment. The placement of this deposit was contemporary with Actuncan’s 9th-century renaissance as a...

To the Caribbean and Beyond: Complete Mitogenomes of Ancient Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus) as a Proxy for Human Interaction in the Late Ceramic Age (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan deFrance. Edana Lord. Michelle LeFebvre. Catherine Collins. Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith.

The Caribbean Ceramic Age (AD500-1500) was associated with increased interaction between the islands and mainland South America. The domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) was introduced to the Caribbean post-AD500 through human transportation. Archaeological remains of guinea pigs are present on several Caribbean islands. This study used complete mitogenomes from ancient guinea pigs as a commensal model to identify likely human migration routes and interaction spheres within the Caribbean...

To the East of the Titicaca Basin: The Yunga-Kallawayas and the Inka Frontier (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sonia Alconini.

The Kallawaya region was an important imperial breadbasket of the Collasuyu, located to the east of the Titicaca basin. Formed by a set of narrow temperate valleys, this region was a natural corridor that led to Apolo and the Mojos savannas to the north, and to the east to the tropical Yunga mountains. Because of its marked altitudinal variation, this region was suitable for pastoralism, the production of corn and coca, and farther east, the exploitation of gold mines. The Inkas at their arrival...

To the Mountain: Heritage preservation through archaeological literacy in San Jose Succotz, Belize. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sylvia Batty. Rebecca Friedel. Leah McCurdy.

Maya archaeology has seen a steady shift to the integration of community heritage interest and ownership in the design, execution and outcomes of research and preservation efforts. This poster describes a heritage outreach project focused on archaeology literacy development among grade school children in the community of San Jose Succotz, Belize, adjacent to the Xunantunich archaeological reserve. We authored a fully illustrated book entitled To the Mountain (2016) for the Succotz community,...

A Toast to the Gods and Ancestors: The Role of Beverages in Classic Maya Elite Cave Ritual in West Central Belize (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Terry Powis. Jon Spenard. Adam King. Nilesh Gaikwad.

For the past two decades, considerable archaeological attention in the Maya area has been paid to ritual cave practices and absorbed residue analysis of pottery, yet these two areas of research have not intersected. In this paper, we discuss the results of the kinds of liquid residues identified in monochrome and unslipped pottery vessels from caves around the site of Pacbitun in west central Belize, where extensive research in Classic Maya elite behavior has taken place. While we know the elite...

“Toda la Gente”: Advocating an Intersectional Approach to Heritage Production (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Kurnick.

This is an abstract from the "Democratizing Heritage Creation: How-To and When" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Collaborative archaeological approaches recognize that partnerships between archaeologists and members of descendant communities can potentially democratize heritage production and foster a more inclusive—and thus more accurate—understanding of the past. Nevertheless, descendant communities are often themselves hierarchical. Inequalities...

Tokens of Oppression: Coinage at a Nineteenth-Century Galapagos Sugar Plantation (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ross W. Jamieson.

In the 1870s Manuel J. Cobos founded the El Progreso plantation agricultural operation on the Island of San Cristóbal in the Galapagos. It is known that he used "scrip," or company-issued cash, to force workers to only spend their wages at the company store. Archaeological recovery of hard rubber tokens from several plantation contexts brings up many questions of economics and labour relations surrounding this remote location which was also tied to the global economy through steam power,...

The Toltec Diaspora as Political Action (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Fowler.

This is an abstract from the "The Movement of People and Ideas in Eastern Mesoamerica during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries CE: A Multidisciplinary Approach Part II" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological chronologies and material-culture evidence indicate large-scale migrations of Nahua peoples to eastern Mesoamerica in the ninth and tenth centuries CE linked to the collapse of the Toltec state at Tula Chico in about 850 CE. This event...

Tom Dillehay, Texas, and Identity (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Arnn.

This is an abstract from the "Dedication, Collaboration, and Vision, Part I: Papers in Honor of Tom D. Dillehay" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Tom Dillehay is best known for his tremendous contributions to the archaeology of the Americas and rightly so. In terms of quality, impact, and scope, the combined body of his work is phenomenal. His interdisciplinary holistic anthropological approach frequently casts the archaeology of the Western...

Tomography and Photography Studies of Funerary Urns from South Central Michoacán México (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alfonso Gastelum-Strozzi. Ingris Peláez Ballestas. Jesús Zarco Navarro. José Luis Punzo Díaz.

This poster presents the results of the application of computational methods to classified archaeological deposits contained within cinerary urns. The method uses morphological properties and textural parameters to create quantitative descriptors that can be related to archaeological interpretations of the objects. The Pre-Columbian cinerary urns were discovered in the municipality of Huetamo, Michoacan, Mexico. The method uses information obtained from a Computed Tomography scan of each urn...

“Too Hood for This”: Navigating the Profession of Archaeology and Finding My Place (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dania Talley.

This is an abstract from the "Hood Archaeologies: Impacts of the School-to-Prison Pipeline on Archaeological Practice and Pedagogy" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. I found my roots in archaeology in undergraduate school during an archaeological excavation at the Stewart Indian School in Carson City, NV. It was an empowering experience. It was the first time I witnessed a BIPOC community having autonomy over their historical narratives. It also...