District of Columbia (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

1,801-1,825 (8,252 Records)

Context Record Sheets, Adelphi, 2000.032_0003 (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

Context record sheet, test units, and excavation sheets from Hunter Research, Inc., for the Adelphi Project.

Contexts and Consequences of Racialized Labor Relations between Japanese American Workers and Sawmill Town Management in the Pacific Northwest (1890 to 1930) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David R Carlson.

This paper will explore the historical context surrounding the relationships between Japanese American sawmill workers and sawmill town management in the early 20th century Pacific Northwest. Japanese American sawmill workers found themselves in a highly racialized labor structure, where they were often regulated to hard labor, "low skill" positions. At the same time, there is evidence to suggest that these workers successfully negotiated with sawmill town management, while taking advantage of...

Contextualizing Confederate Monuments in the South: How to Talk About Scary Things (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tristan J Harrenstein.

This is an abstract from the "Reflections, Practice, and Ethics in Historical Archaeology" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. As a discipline of introverts, we avoid talking about potentially contentious subjects too often. This habit is detrimental to both us and the public. Instead of viewing them as merely dangerous or risky, these topics are also an opportunity. Strong feelings in an audience means we do not need to convince them that it is...

Contextualizing Consumption: Examining the Benefits of Multi-Site Discussion at the Lincoln Home National Historic Site (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emma L Verstraete.

This is a poster submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Frequently, discussions of the artifact assemblages uncovered at presidential sites focus only on the households of the president's that the site commemorates. By excluding the surrounding residential sites, researchers sacrifice valuable information regarding typical consumption and use behaviors in the area. The analysis presented seeks to utilize the extensive excavations of the...

Contextualizing European Copper Distribution Across the Seventeenth-Century American Southeast: A Geoarchaeological Approach (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Madeleine A. Gunter.

European alloy copper artifacts are frequently found in sixteenth and seventeenth-century Native American archaeological sites across Virginia and North Carolina. Smith and Hally (2014) ask a simple yet important question about these items: How were they obtained by Native Americans? While historical documents suggest possible mechanisms for European copper distribution (including trade and tribute), the most important clues about these objects come from their archaeological contexts. This study...

Contextualizing Petroglyphs: Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) and Public Archaeology (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Letitia C Mumford. Olivia M Snover.

The central question that drives our inquiry is: How can technology, specifically Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), pair with material culture and archived/published oral tradition in order to enhance visitor experiences at a sacred American Indian site? Jeffers Petroglyphs is a Dakota site located in Comfrey, Minnesota with over 5,000 known petroglyphs, dating up to 7,000 years. Today, these petroglyphs hold spiritual and historical significance for the Dakota people, yet cannot be...

Contextualizing the Exceptional: Understanding "Small Find" Abundance at The Hermitage (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jillian Galle. Lindsay Bloch. Lynsey Bates.

The archaeological program at The Hermitage was exceptional in many ways, from the breadth and depth of its archaeological education programs and the square footage excavated across the plantation to the range of domestic slave housing types and diversity of artifacts found within and around these dwellings. The richness and diversity of "small finds" across Hermitage sites is particularly striking. Previous studies of Hermitage small finds have focused on individual artifacts as representations...

Continuity and Change in Contact Period Caddo Communities in the Ouachita Mountains (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Beth Trubitt.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For ancestral Caddos living in the Ouachita Mountains of west-central Arkansas, the two centuries between AD 1450 and 1650 saw both continuity and change. An extended period of drought in the 1450s and contact with outsiders beginning with the Spanish in 1541 would have stressed local farming communities. Responses may have included increasing interactions...

Contradictory Food: Dining in a New York Brothel c. 1840s (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claudia Milne. Pamela Crabtree.

The faunal assemblages excavated from New York City’s Five Points neighborhood provided an opportunity to examine the foodways of the city’s 19th century working class.  One distinct Orange Street deposit was associated with a brothel which operated in the early 1840s and seemed to reflect the contradictory nature of this occupation.  While some food choices reflected the working class nature of the neighborhood, other finer foods, were selected for fancy feasts, to entertain guests or for...

Contributing Historical Archaeology to Global Efforts to Address Climate Change (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marcy Rockman.

In the most recent Summary for Policy Makers from the IPCC Working Group II (Adaptation), this statement, "Throughout history, people and societies have adjusted to and coped with climate, climate variability, and extremes, with varying degrees of success," is written without attribution.  Though this statement is a consensus view, the absence of a footnote disconnects it from analyses of the human past and the models of adaptation developed in the IPCC reports. This is a big gap. The most...

Convention Center Site: Phase II Archeological Survey (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Henley.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.

Convention Center Site: Washington, D.C., Phase I Archeological Survey (1980)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Henley.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.

Converging Concepts of Landscape: Space and Place in 19th-century Northwest Lower Michigan (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kat E Slocum.

The same landscape in the same moment can be experienced differently by people as they project culture and history onto the landscape. Using two juxtaposed perspectives of landscape in the same geographic location and time, this research compares and contrasts Cartographers and Native Americans in Northwest Lower Michigan following intensification of mapping after 1837. Using historic documents, vivifacts (living artifacts), and maps, this analysis presents the conflicting landscape concepts of...

Convicts, Cargo, and Calamity: The Wreck of the Enchantress (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Abigail E. Casavant.

From 2010-2015, the University of Rhode Island and St. Mary’s College of California conducted an underwater archaeology field school in the waters of Bermuda on a site called the "Iron Plate Wreck." Aptly named for a large block of sheet iron located at the stern, the wreck’s identity remained a mystery for over 50 years. In 2013, however, historical research provided clues to the identity of the wreck, revealing it is the Enchantress, an early 19th century British merchant vessel with a unique...

Cooking and Colonialism: Identifying Cultural Values and Identities in Consuming “Foreign” Goods in the British Atlantic World (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Myles Sullivan.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Consumption, as a shared material practice, has frequently been examined by archaeologists to understand the cultural dynamics in the distinction of groups that inform status, class, and identities. In the increasing integration of global exchanges across the Atlantic in the 18th century, this paper seeks to understand how non-local colonial goods were...

Cooking up Authenticity in an Afro-Brazilian pot: Nationalism, Racism, Tourism, and Consumption of low-fired earthenware ceramics in Pernambuco, Brazil. (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Catherine LaVoy.

Black beans, smoked sausage, salted beef, the less desirable pig parts, garlic, and onion. These are the basic ingredients of the Brazilian national dish, feijoada. But there is another ingredient, one frequently overlooked, but essential element of the authenticity in the minds of Brazilians. The ceramic pot, holding the magic of the meal’s miscegenation: African, European and Amerindian ingredients blended together in a seemingly innocuous object. Unlike other places in the African Diaspora,...

"Coon, possum, rabbit, squirrel en aw dat": A zooarchaeological investigation of foodways at Witherspoon Plantation, South Carolina (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Diane E. Wallman. Kevin Fogle.

This paper examines the results of zooarchaeological analysis completed on faunal remains from Witherspoon Island, a 19th century cotton plantation in South Carolina. This research contributes to a larger ongoing historical archaeological project exploring the lives of enslaved African-Americans and their descendants on the remote absentee plantation. To examine shifting food practices at the site, we present the results of the analysis of faunal remains recovered from two house and adjacent...

Cooperation and Coercion: Geography, Ecology, Climate, and Surplus Production in the Rise of the Calusa Kingdom (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Marquardt. Victor Thompson. Karen Walker. Michael Savarese. Lee Newsom.

The Calusa of southwest Florida were the most complex and powerful society in Florida during the sixteenth century AD. They relied for protein not on agriculture, but on aquatic resources harvested from shallow-water estuaries. Our interdisciplinary team is exploring the evidence for surplus production and intensification against a background of environmental challenges and opportunities. We focus on Mound Key and Pineland, the two largest Calusa towns. We think that cooperative heterarchical...

Cooperation, our best survival tool. What we can learn from ancestral peoples (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tracy Harrison. David Wescott.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Coopers, Peddlers, and Bricklayers: Stories of a Working-Class Property through Public Archaeology in Washington, DC (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only L. Chardé Reid. Julianna Jackson. John M Hyche. Lyle Torp. Charles H Leedecker.

An archaeological investigation of a lot where a former frame shotgun house once stood offers a unique look at 19th century working-class immigrant households. A German immigrant carpenter built the house before 1853 and it was successively occupied by a peddler, cooper, and bricklayer; little is known about their lives. Prior to redevelopment, the DC HPO Archaeology Program conducted a systematic archaeological survey from August 2016 to May 2017, the "Shotgun House Public Archaeology Project"....

Cope Hook and a Slate Pencil: Understanding Skidaway Island’s Benedictine Monks and Freedmen School Students (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Seifert.

Skidaway Island’s Benedictine monastery and Freedmen school provides us with a unique opportunity to examine one angle of African-American life post-Reconstruction. Located southeast of Savannah, Georgia, this mission was part of the larger Benedictine presence, whose members initially started Freedmen schools at the Bishop’s request. Though this site was only briefly occupied (1878- ca. 1890s), we are gaining insight into the lives of the European-born Benedictine monks, African-American...

Copies of Site Background Information, Blossom Point Test Facility, 2000.027_0255 (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tyler Bastian. Wayne E. Clark. Barbara Couchenour. Wayne E. Clark. Ray Roudebush. Henry J. Bertels. Lorena Walsh. Laurie C. Steponaitis. Richard Crouse, Jr.. Murtland. George H. Mastrogianis.

Copies of background information about the Blossom Point Test Facility and surrounding area. Included are maps, letters describing Port Tobacco River, letters from the Smithsonian Institute Bureau of Ethnology, and various letters to Geo-Recon International Ltd. from various agencies and private organizations. Also included is a Maryland Archaeological Site Survey for various sites on Cedar Point and a 106 Case Report and Mitigation Plan for Ballast House, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles...

Copper On The Borderlands Of New Spain...It's Complicated (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Russell K Skowronek. Richard E Johnson. James R. Hinthorne.

This is an abstract from the "Meaning in Material Culture" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Copper vessels are an understudied artifact category for students of the Spanish colonial experience.  At the 2018, SHA New Orleans meeting the promise and problems associated with the analysis of copper vessels was discussed.  This included forms, uses, nomenclature, and fabrication. In that presentation, copper vessels from the Southeast U.S. and Texas...

Copper-Clad Ghost: The "Monterrey A Shipwreck" (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Delgado. Jack Irion. Frank Cantelas. Frederick Hanselmann. Christopher Horrell. Amy Borgens. Susan Langley. Michael Brennan.

Archaeological assessment and limited test excavation of the Monterrey A shipwreck provides an initial characterization of an early 19th century armed vessel whose remains are comprised of articulated two-dimensional features as well as a substantial portion of seemingly well-preserved three dimensional hull remains of the copper-sheathed hull.  The form and lines of the hull are present, and with the various features, suggest that this armed vessel of approximately 200 tons was a two-masted...

Copper-The Overlooked Artifact Of The Borderlands Of New Spain (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Russell K Skowronek.

From the littoral of Florida to coastal California vessels made of copper have been regularly found on archaeological sites associated with the borderlands of New Spain.  While described in in the associated archaeological literature they, unlike the ubiquitous copper artifacts associated with sites in New France, have not received systematic analysis.  This presentation, based on nearly two decades of archaeological and documentary research, brings the folk taxonomy found in documents into...