Contextualizing the Exceptional: Understanding "Small Find" Abundance at The Hermitage
Author(s): Jillian Galle; Lindsay Bloch; Lynsey Bates
Year: 2018
The archaeological program at The Hermitage was exceptional in many ways, from the breadth and depth of its archaeological education programs and the square footage excavated across the plantation to the range of domestic slave housing types and diversity of artifacts found within and around these dwellings. The richness and diversity of "small finds" across Hermitage sites is particularly striking. Previous studies of Hermitage small finds have focused on individual artifacts as representations of "Africanism" or used groups of small finds to argue for specialized occupations within specific housing areas. Here we use the exceptional abundance of small finds to tackle two questions: What is the threshold for when small finds are common enough to be broken down into standalone analytical units, with which one can perform meaningful quantitative analyses? What new insights do these small-finds groups tell us the strategies used by enslaved individuals at The Hermitage?
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Contextualizing the Exceptional: Understanding "Small Find" Abundance at The Hermitage. Jillian Galle, Lindsay Bloch, Lynsey Bates. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2018 ( tDAR id: 441919)
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