North America (Geographic Keyword)

726-750 (3,610 Records)

Comparative Archaeological Analysis of Ship Rigging During the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Grace Tsai.

The first two decades of the seventeenth century saw a period of rapid technological advancement in shipbuilding, including ships’ rigging. This paper analyzes the changes in rigging seen in artifacts excavated from wrecks spanning from AD 1545 to 1700. Compiled from the most recent publications and/or personal correspondences, the list of artifacts include: blocks, sheaves, pins, deadeyes, chainplates, parrels, cordage, sails, and other miscellaneous parts. These remains will be analyzed to...

The Comparative Archaeology of Anglo-American Slavery Regimes: Reconsidering the Chesapeake from the Perspective of Bermuda (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marley Brown III.

Recent comparative scholarship by historians of Anglo-American slavery has emphasized the dynamic relationship between statute law and social practice, particularly as this relationship bears on such issues as economic agency, resistance to enslavement, and collective identity.  This paper revisits selected quarter sites excavated in Tidewater Virginia  in view of the material life of enslaved Bermudians during the eighteenth century.  Recent discoveries at a c. 1720-1860 domestic site in the...

Comparative Ceramics Analysis of Enslaved Contexts at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caitlyn C Johnson.

Ceramics and socioeconomic analyses are useful tools for comparing market access, choice, and economic status between sites associated with enslaved people.  Located in Bedford County, Virginia, Poplar Forest plantation was home to enslaved peoples beginning with its establishment in the mid-18th century and continuing through multiple owners until emancipation.  Archaeology conducted since the 1990s has yielded substantial datasets for several different slave quarters on the property, which...

A Comparative Examination of the Dietary Practices of British and French Occupants of New France. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristen A Walczesky.

The examination of faunal remains from archaeological sites provides a wealth of information pertaining to the diets of past peoples and comparative analyses allow for an in-depth understanding of similarities and differences that occur amongst sites. This research focuses on the comparative analysis of faunal data from a variety of sites located in and around Québec City. Data from a privy associated with the French (1720s-1760) and English (1760-1775) occupations of the second Intendant’s...

A Comparative Functional Analysis of Old Copper Culture Utilitarian Implements via Artifact Replication, Materials Testing, and Ballistic Analyses (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michelle Bebber.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. North America's Old Copper Culture (4000-1000 B.C.) is a unique event in archaeologists’ global understanding of prehistoric metallurgic evolution. For millennia, Middle and Late Archaic hunter-gatherers around the North American Upper Great Lakes region regularly made utilitarian implements out of copper, only for these items to decline in prominence and...

A Comparative Investigation of Plantation Spatial Organization on Two British Caribbean Sugar Estates (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lynsey A. Bates.

Tracing the relationship between the development of plantation landscapes and the people who interacted with, altered and maintained those landscapes provides a constructive approach to comparatively analyze slavery across divergent spatial and temporal contexts. The plantation system in Atlantic World contexts required that estate owners create a suite of strategies that maximized labor, time and space to make cash crop production profitable. To address this issue, this paper investigates two...

Comparative Studies in North American Indians (1957)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Harold Driver. William Massey.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

A Comparative Study of African American Identity Creation in Antebellum New Jersey (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jamie Ancheta.

Nineteenth century Fair Haven, New Jersey was home to an African American community that persevered through religious and structural racism. Racism that escalated to the burning of their Free-African American School house.The African American history of Fair Haven is one of gradual emancipation accompanied by gradual gentrification. This research provides an important avenue to rediscovering a long forgotten and dynamic enclave of African Americans that once existed in Fair Haven. Examination of...

A Comparative Study of Dutch and British Ship Speeds from 1750-1850 (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Patricia Schwindinger.

The paper compares the relative speeds of British and Dutch vessels from 1750 to 1850, using data from the CLIWOC (Climatological Database of the World’s Oceans) database. Originally compiled to extend the available information on weather patterns back into the ‘pre-instrument’ period, the database also includes information on the ships that recorded the data. Average daily speeds and maximum recorded speeds were analyzed for 250 unique Dutch ships and 485 unique British ships in order to...

Comparing Middle Woodland and Mississippian Period Agglomerations in the Eastern Woodlands of North America (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stefan Brannan. Jennifer Birch.

This is an abstract from the "Ephemeral Aggregated Settlements: Fluidity, Failure or Resilience?" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Large aggregated settlements have been a persistent feature of the settlement landscape of the Eastern Woodlands of North America for more than 3000 years. By the turn of the first millennium ephemeral agglomerated settlements become common settings for the enactment of practices and traditions that presage the next...

Comparing Multiple Methods of Fish Size Estimation Using Sheepshead Remains from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Soul Schwartz. Ryan Kennedy.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Size estimation of archaeological fishes has been employed by zooarchaeologists to address a number of topics, including past fishing methods, commodification of fishes, and overfishing. Although the development of regression formulae describing the relationship between fish length and skeletal measurements is the most common method employed by...

Comparing the Durability and Robusticity of Obsidian and Chert Projectile Points (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas Gala. Anna Mika. Michael Wilson. Jeremy Williams. Robert Walker.

This is an abstract from the "Old Technology, New Methodology" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Stone weaponry and tools were fundamental to the success of past peoples. Stone weaponry varies dramatically, with both functional and nonfunctional factors contributing to this variation. The durability (whether a stone tip breaks or not) and robusticity (how much damage is incurred upon breakage) of stone weapon tips were two important functional...

Comparing Two Archaeological Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Predictive Models: The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem versus the Pinelands, New Jersey (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matt Nelson.

This paper compares two new predictive models of prehistoric archaeological site locations to better understand modelling successes and complications. For my recent M.A. thesis project, I created one model for Yellowstone National Park to predict Paleoindian site locations within the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem of the northwestern Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. I created the second model for the Pinelands region of central New Jersey for the United States Air National Guard, Warren Grove...

A Comparison of Mock Excavations and Active Case Excavations (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Jackson. Genevieve Mielke.

Performing mock excavations of human skeletal material is a common practice throughout undergraduate and graduate studies in Forensic and Bioarchaeological programs. These class sessions include instruction on correct excavation methods, mapping techniques, documentation methods, and chain of custody. Inevitably however, there are differences between mock excavations within a class setting and active homicide excavations where no professor is present and the real-life ramifications of the...

A Comparison Of Photogrammetric Software For Three-Dimensional Modeling Of Maritime Archaeological Objects (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William L Fleming.

Multi-photograph digital photogrammetry, a powerful tool for archaeologists, is quickly gaining traction for site and object recording and reproduction. As technology advances, new software packages are being developed, but are all packages the same? Does one software package have any advantages over another? Is one software package more useful in certain situations than another? These questions will be explored by recording the ventilation engines recovered from the wreck of the USS Monitor,...

Comparison of Preparative Chemistry Methods for the Radiocarbon Dating of Anzick Site, Montana (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lorena Becerra-Valdivia. Thibaut Devièse. Thomas W. Stafford Jr.. Michael Waters. Tom Higham.

Found in 1968, the archaeological site of Anzick (24PA506), Montana, contains the only known Clovis burial. Here, the partial remains of a male infant (Anzick-1) were found in association with a Clovis assemblage of over 100 lithic and faunal bone artifacts—all red-stained with ochre. The incomplete, unstained cranium of a separate individual (Anzick-2), dating to ~8,600 radiocarbon years before present (BP), was also recovered. Previous chronometric work has shown an age difference between the...

A Comparison of Urban and Rural Chinese Sites in Nevada (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily S. Dale.

Nineteenth and twentieth century western mining landscapes were characterized by urban centers that served as hubs of economic and social activities and rural sites that provided the towns and cities with needed goods. Aurora, Nevada and Bodie, California were two prominent mining towns that were serviced by a multitude of rural sites, such as ranches, farms, and woodcutting camps. Chinese immigrants resided in both the urban and rural spaces. This paper compares and contrasts the archaeology of...

Comparisons and Connections between Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Glass Bead Assemblages in Paugvik, AK, and Beatty Curve, OR (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sire Pro. Tom Tandberg.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Research on Glass Beads and Ornaments in North America" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper considers two collections of glass beads excavated from residential contexts in Paugvik, Alaska (nineteenth century CE) and Beatty Curve, Oregon (nineteenth–twentieth centuries CE), and housed in the University of Oregon’s Museum of Natural and Cultural History. Using LA-ICP-MS analysis, around 30 beads from each...

The complexities of Spanish Mission Diets: An analysis of Faunal Remains from Mission Santa Clara de Asís (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindsay Kiel.

The neophyte housing complex of Mission Santa Clara de Asís, one of the five Spanish missions established in the San Francisco Bay region during the California Mission Period, was excavated between 2012 and 2014. Excavations unearthed numerous refuse pits that contained a variety of faunal remains. Feature 157 was made up of three distinct multi-use pit sub-features that contained the remains of a variety of fauna. The assemblage dates to approximately 1777-1837 and contains several thousand...

Computer Vision Technologies and Historical Archaeology's Ceramic Typologies (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Patrice L Jeppson. Kamelia Aryafar. Ali Shokoufandeh.

Computer vision technologies will someday reconstruct our ceramics for us. This paper considers the implications of one new development toward that end – a computer-employed 'appearance analysis' that automates the classification of ceramic fragments. This technology, which forms a first step in virtual ceramic reconstructions, parallels the typological ordering archaeologists traditionally employ when mending vessels and pursuing cultural understandings. On a prosaic level, the automated...

Con Un Pie En Cada Lado: Nuevo Santander Ranching Communities Along The Lower Rio Grande (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Jo Galindo.

Before the Río Grande became a contested border between the United States and Mexico, and between predominantly Latino and Anglo-American societies, it was the northern frontier of Spanish Nuevo Santander and a border between Spanish Mexico and indigenous societies to the north. The pobladores, or colonists, who moved into the region—and their descendants to the present day—had to adapt constantly to the changing political, economic, and social environment. The eighteenth-century colony of Nuevo...

Concealed Clothing or Cold Climate? The Discovery of 103 Articles of Historic Clothing in an Iron-Worker’s Cottage (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth A. Comer. Kathy Abbott.

During restoration of a ca.1817 worker’s house in Catoctin Furnace, Maryland, 103 articles of clothing were discovered inserted between the eaves. The heavily worn and patched clothing for men, women and children includes both current fashion and utilitarian articles. An extraordinary discovery in its own right, the dataset is augmented by the recovery of over 200 buttons, as well as pins, needles, and shoes from excavation beneath the floorboards of the house. This paper shares research on the...

The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America (1923)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ruth F. Benedict.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Conceptualizing Consent: The Influence of Legal Language on Postmortem Agency (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Savannah Newell. Krystiana Krupa.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Across institutions nationally, willed-body (or cadaver donation) programs use language that, although often vague, typically provides some level of detail regarding what exactly donors are consenting to. This poster assesses use and recovery of the collected body in anthropological contexts, framed using the language of modern body donation. In reviewing...

"...Concerning their Common Heritage...": Archaeological Site Stewardship and International Cooperation in the National Park Service (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Gadsby. Dave Conlin.

In 2011, The National Park Service signed two international Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) on the management and protection of sites that lie within the park system, but are of interest or importance to foreign governments. The first, signed with the United Kingdom, provides specific protections for a particular resource, the wreck of the 18th-century frigate HMS Fowey. The second, signed with the government of the Kingdom of Spain, expresses the participants' mutual interest in wide variety...